I recently took delivery of a Naim NDX. With an Asset NAS and n-Stream in UPnP compatibility mode, playlists made with Playlist Creator 3.6.2 don’t show the album artwork for any tracks playing. Can this be fixed or is it just an issue that one has to live with? Regards Tice.
Artwork with Playlists
Re: Artwork with Playlists
With UPnP if you can see the album artwork next to a track when browsing, this is the only location that a UPnP server specifies album artwork (to the control point, and ultimately to the player), if you can see when browsing then is specific to the control point and player.Comment
Re: Artwork with Playlists
I don't really understand. If I run a playlist in standard mode (i.e. Not UPnP compatibility mode), the artwork is displayed. Similarly for the "preset" playlists in compatibility mode e.g. [Jukebox Track Selection]. It's only on playlists that I've created that I have the problem. Are you saying that it's not possible for artwork to be displayed when running a playlist via Playlist Creator in compataibility mode or do I need to make adjustments to solve the problem?Comment
Re: Artwork with Playlists
I do not know what this compatibility mode does as it is external to Asset, which works always in one mode, standard upnp.Comment