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Can I capture sound from my PC and "stream" it to my DLNA reciever?

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  • havmir

    • Nov 2013
    • 1

    Can I capture sound from my PC and "stream" it to my DLNA reciever?

    I'm trying to decide if Asset will perform the service I need. Would appreciate any help rendered.

    I have a Windows 7 PC and a Sony STR DA2800ES DLNA receiver. I also have an internet radio subscription to SiriusXM radio that came along with my vehicle SiriusXM readio subscription.

    I can listen to SiriusXM internet radio on my PC and on my Android device. However, I would like to stream live audio from SiriusXM internet radio from my PC to my Sony STR DA2800ES DLNA renderer/receiver. The receiver has a wifi LAN connection and I have been able to play "static" music and video files from my PC on the DA2800ES reciever.

    Can I use Asset to "stream" the live internet stream playing on my PC speakers (sound card) to my Sony STR2800DA receiver?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Can I capture sound from my PC and "stream" it to my DLNA reciever?

    Yes it should do, make sure it works for you with the trial.

