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Asset not reading music files on WHS 2011

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  • Markbikes

    • Sep 2013
    • 3

    Asset not reading music files on WHS 2011

    I recently purchased a new laptop computer to replace an old desktop unit. I downloaded the 2011 WHS software onto the new computer and the full version of Asset UPnP remained on the WHS. I had no trouble accessing the music files on the new laptop through Kinsky or my IPad for the first week or so. Thought I would try to download some new music from HDTracks on the new computer and copy the files to the WHS (all of which worked). I don't think Asset read the new files immediately so I went into WHS and manually had Asset scan for new files. It seemed to be fairly shortly after that time that neither my IPad nor the laptop would read any music files, just show the "empty" directories. I went back into WHS and did a complete refresh for the entire library but no change - reads Asset and the directories but no music files. I can see the music files using Windows Explorer stored in the WHS so I know they are all there. Do I have to unistall Asset UPnP from the WHS and reinstall it using the new computer to get proper access?

    Very frustrating!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Asset not reading music files on WHS 2011

    Are you 100% sure you are browsing asset? often computers have multiple upnp servers, such as the Windows media player one.

    Also check on the Asset configuration page, after you trigger the scan, it will say how many files it is indexing, and at the end will say how many tracks and albums there are in the library.


    • Markbikes

      • Sep 2013
      • 3

      Re: Asset not reading music files on WHS 2011

      The server does have a couple of upnp servers but I know that when backing down the directory tree to start with "library", I then click on "Asset" and then keep drilling down into the directories I want Kinksy to read. All those subsequent directories have been empty for the past 2 days.

      The Asset configuration page is definately telling me the number of music files and albums are in the library which seems like the correct number after each scan.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44843

        Re: Asset not reading music files on WHS 2011

        Do you have security software running on your computer? it could be hindering kinsky from reading the UPnP Server.

        As a test, install 'Asset Control' (from the beta section of this forum) and see what that can see browsing asset.


        • Markbikes

          • Sep 2013
          • 3

          Re: Asset not reading music files on WHS 2011

          I think I figured it out last night but didn't have time to listen to any music. I think I flipped the "share music with other computers" setting of WHS to "no" on my new computer. I changed this to "yes" and then reset Asset. The music files seemed to repopulate in the various directories under Asset so I am almost certain that was the issue. Will listen when I get home tonight.

          Thank you for your help.

