50% could be where all physical is used and the swap file is used, the process of swapping memory in and out of the hdd can stall programs. Check that there is 50% of physical memory free.
It is not possible to upgrade RAM in the Acer 340 :vmad:
I´ve now listened to some hirez tracks stored on the Acer via Asset on my Laptop. Even over WLAN no Dropouts. After switching to Asset on the Acer again Dropouts. Reducing the tracks pointed to, it works without dropouts. Can you explain that?
Hi Spoon, did some logging. Here is a picture that shows that Asset uses often 100% of CPU Time, always when dropouts occur. Do you have an explanation?
Update: Yesterday i reduced again the number of tracks to approx. 1770 which asset points to. I had Dropouts and CPU time went up to 100% for asset process.
I do not have any explanation, as asset does not do anything when serving a file 'as is', if I you log file indicated that Asset was doing nothing other than serving.
I do not have any explanation, as asset does not do anything when serving a file 'as is', if I you log file indicated that Asset was doing nothing other than serving.
Just installed Twonky 5 for whs yesterday. No dropouts. But I would prefer asset, so what might be wrong? Schall I install the Windows Version instead oft the whs v1 and give it a try?
Same interval? also try playing a file and pause it, what peaks are there?
Tried this. Started playback, after Dropouts i pressed pause, no cpu time, after approx. 15 min i pressed play again, after some seconds dropouts with 100% cpu time
PS: I could attach a graphics pic. How can I do that?
Last edited by yellowspider; November 23, 2013, 12:40 PM.