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Disc * appearing in track title

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  • danox574

    • Mar 2013
    • 4

    Disc * appearing in track title

    I am experimenting with Asset to be a dedicated DLNA server for a FLAC library. I have a small list of albums ripped with challenging issues for tagging and sorting and trying different servers to see which one will provide the best fit.

    One of these albums has three discs. Somehow I configured Asset to order them correctly before using the 'Multi Disc Albums show as '[Disc] [Track] [Title]'' option, and that worked very well. The titles appeared in the list in the right order (sorted by disc in a single folder)

    I retagged my files, however, and rescanned them and now the disc * is showing up as part of the track title. It shows up as 1. with some spaces after it. I have found how to easily turn off all other custom additions to a title with the checkmark options, but I cannot find an option to strip this disc number from the song title. This is happening on multiple DLNA clients.

    Everything appears in the right order, I just want the disc * out of the song title.

    How do I turn off the disc * in the track name?

    Thank you,

  • danox574

    • Mar 2013
    • 4

    Re: Disc * appearing in track title

    Actually, I was able to determine the cause. If the tags contain 'DISCTOTAL' as a tag and it is >=2, the disc numbers are displayed next to the track name, if the 'DISCTOTAL' tag is not present or DISCTOTAL is 1, no disc numbers are displayed next to the name.

    Is there any way to control this?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Disc * appearing in track title

      >'Multi Disc Albums show as '[Disc] [Track] [Title]''

      This would have to be turned off

