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Multi disc sets

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  • mike_jordan

    • Jun 2009
    • 35

    Multi disc sets

    Hi Spoon

    I listen to a lot of opera, so I'm used to ripping multi disc sets. I like a three disc set to appear in Kinsky together as three separate discs, labelled "Album, Disc 1", "Album, Disc 2" etc. This is normally just a matter of making sure the Disc field is set to 1/3, 2/3 etc and the Album field is the same for all discs.

    Recently I ripped a two disc set with this convention and it appeared in Kinsky as one disc, with the track listings combined so that the numbering went 1,1,2,2 and so on. I've not had this problem before unless the Disc field is the same for both Albums, but it wasn't.

    I restarted Kinsky, restarted Asset, rebooted the RipNAS - still the same. I deleted the files and re-ripped the discs, this time giving the Albums different titles. They appeared as two separate discs in Kinsky. Then I edited the ID-tags give both Albums the same title (disc fields set to 1/2, 2/2) and the two discs combined in Kinsky again. Finally, I edited the ID-tags again to "Album, Disc 1" and "Album, Disc 2" (not normally necessary) and the Albums remained combined in Kinsky.

    Within Asset, the "Multi-Disc Albums show as 'Album, Disc x'" checkbox is checked, and I haven't changed any Advanced Settings in a long time.

    Time to speak to Da Man, I thought.
    Last edited by mike_jordan; February 17, 2013, 08:56 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44841

    Re: Multi disc sets

    Try changing the album title to:

    [old title] TEST

    just to make sure you are getting the changes appear.


    • mike_jordan

      • Jun 2009
      • 35

      Re: Multi disc sets

      Thanks as always for the speed of your response

      If I rename one album [Album] TEST, it appears in Kinsky separately. If I rename the other album the same, they appear as one disc with [Album] TEST as the title. But here's the interesting bit. If I rename one album from [Album] TEST to [Album], Disc 1, it now appears in Kinsky as "Album" (without the Disc 1), which explains why Kinsky combines the two discs differently labelled as noted in para 3 in my last post. So I can work around this problem, but why isn't Asset picking up the Disc field and doing this for me?
      Last edited by mike_jordan; February 17, 2013, 05:44 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44841

        Re: Multi disc sets

        Asset will always remove the ', Disc x' from an album title and rely on the ID Tags, you can try the database dump program called uMediaLibrary-dumpdb.exe (look where asset is installed to), once run save the file and load into excel, the look for a track in the album, it should show the disc number correct for all tracks in that album.


        • mike_jordan

          • Jun 2009
          • 35

          Re: Multi disc sets

          Is uMediaLibrary-dumpdb.exe part of the RipNAS Asset installation (Release 3 Premium Registered)? If so, where?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44841

            Re: Multi disc sets

            First step would be to upgrade to R4.1, because R3 is very old, and this issue could have been fixed in the last 2 years...


            • mike_jordan

              • Jun 2009
              • 35

              Re: Multi disc sets

              Have upgraded and been looking at Asset 4.1's options for multi-disc sets.

              Asset now seems to display the first disc in the set as "Album" and the second and subsequent as "Album, Disc x" . This is only a problem when you have several multi-disc sets with the same name. For instance, if you have four sets of "The Marriage of Figaro" by different artists, you get all the Disc 1's together, then the Disc 2's, then the Disc 3's. My previous workaround was to add, say a comma to the title of one set, a colon to another and so on, thus giving them slightly different titles which keeps all the discs in each set together in Kinsky. At least, it used to, but now Asset seems to ignore the comma (or whatever) from the Disc 1's, so you get all the Disc 1's then the rest of the discs from the first set, then the rest of the second set and so on.

              Any other opera lovers got a solution to this one?

