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Transcoding vs converting

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  • jne67

    • Aug 2012
    • 9

    Transcoding vs converting

    From the DLNA renders point of view, what is the difference between transcoding and converting an audio file? The reason I ask is because I have a problem with my newly bought Oppo BDP-103 player running together with Asset UPnP and BubbleUPnP. When using the player as a DLNA renderer it does not show track information or album art for FLAC files or any other file types I've tried except mp3 files. If I use the player as a DLNA player the info and art is visible for FLAC files. If I convert the FLAC files to mp3 there is no problem but if I transcode them to mp3 the problem stays.
    I have asked Oppop support about this problem but they just say they don't have any experience with this setup.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Transcoding vs converting

    > transcoding and converting an audio file?

    None, they are the same thing.

    If your player requires embedded metadata in the file, then setting Asset to transcode will not help as that does not include metadata. The issue here is your player cannot read the tags in a FLAC file...

