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AssetUpnp+LG ST-600

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  • swehawk

    • Nov 2012
    • 2

    AssetUpnp+LG ST-600

    I'm having the strangest problem using my LG ST-600 as a renderer or renderer+controller! Browsing is fine, but playback is like a choppy fast-forward! It's worse with some tracks than others, but all seem affected. All tracks are mp3 w varying bitrates from 128-320 kb/s.

    If I switch server to Serviio, which I use mainly for video since it has a very rudimentary audio-browsing, the same tracks plays perfectly. The same goes for playing from the file system using CIFS.

    Furthermore my Philips blu-ray player plays from Asset without any problem (however I don't want to use it regulary as I can't control it from Asset Control)), as does Foobar2000!

    I use AssetUpnp v4.

    I really would like to use AssetUpnp+LG ST-600+Asset Control(PC) or Bubble(Android)!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: AssetUpnp+LG ST-600

    Try R4.1 if you are not using already.


    • swehawk

      • Nov 2012
      • 2

      Re: AssetUpnp+LG ST-600

      Thanks for the rapid answer Spoon!
      Upgraded to R4.1 and things did change, but not for the better Playback is still choppy, but now it's like you are randomly pressing play/pause in 1-10 sec intervals.... Anyway, did a lot of testing this weekend and came up with a working configuration; I installed Bubble server as a proxy for Asset server and created an OpenHome renderer for the LG ST-600. Using BubbleUpnp on Android and Kinsky on windows, this combo provides quick and stable browsing, flawless playback and playlist sequencing even though the controller app is terminated Also on windows, Asset control works fine with Asset server and the LG ST-600, but in this case Asset control has to be running to sequence playlists. I might opt for this anyway cause I like Asset controls GUI better than Kinsky...In the end, I can live with not being able to use the ST-600 (+TV) as a controller for playing music!

