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can see but not render (audio) files

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  • lollo

    • Sep 2011
    • 4

    can see but not render (audio) files

    I just reinstalled the whole PC, leading to reinstalling Asset. I run asset 3 under Windows 7 home premium 64.
    The only difference in (software) configuration with the reinstall is having more users under windows: before windows was installed with just one user (no password, administrator rights), while now I have several users (for each physical person) without passwod and no admin rights + 1 administrator user with password.
    I reinstalled asset as administrator user, copied the previous configuration files in the proper directory of that user, had back all the previous configuration (even registration key was recognised!!). Asset runs fine (it seems).

    It just does not work: I listen audio files through a Linn DS driven by Kinsky (on ipad / pc) as control point: Asset is seen on the network, I can browse the songs, I can choose songs which get inserted into the playlist, but songs clearly are not served to the rendered: clicking on a song produces a v short wait (with apple waiting animation) and no other effect. The renderer (Linn DS) has not been modified/touched (and if songs get inserted into the playlist it means it is communicating with the controlpoint), disabling the firewall does not change anything.
    May it be having a password for the user???
    Any other suggestion??

    I also could not find enywhere instructions on how to best install/configure on a Windows PC with several users...
    Thanks in advance
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: can see but not render (audio) files

    Do a full refresh of Asset (from Configuration page, Refresh All(.


    • lollo

      • Sep 2011
      • 4

      Re: can see but not render (audio) files

      Ahah, so obvious when you read it!! I thought I had done that but actually not...
      Thanks v much, always great help & effectiveness

