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Album cover (artwork) not showing anymore

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  • JFP

    • Jan 2009
    • 13

    Album cover (artwork) not showing anymore

    Hello Spoon,
    I've been using Asset UPnP 4.0 for months without a problem,
    it is installed on a Windows 7 64 bit PC.
    The renderers are a Linn DS Akurate (Davaar 8)and a Linn DS Majik (Davaar 7),
    the control points are various apps on my Ipad (Chorus HD, Kinsky, Songbook Lite & PlugPlayer).

    And suddenly I get this strange issue : Chorus HD & Kinsky do not see the
    album covers anymore (folder.jpg mostly, sometimes embedded in flac).
    There is a dotted square instead and Kinsky shows a network address
    Same when trying Kinsky desktop version from another PC.
    I use the latest versions (it is, thus, not related to problems earlier this year
    that I read about on various forums...) and both apps worked flawlessly before.

    When I first play files using Songbook or PlugPlayer and then switch to Kinsky,
    is displays the covers of the files in the playlist but not the covers when
    I browse Asset UPnP....
    On the other hand, when I try Asset UPnP on Vista 32 bit (I have a dual boot PC),
    the problem disappears.

    I did not change anything recently on my Windows 7 PC (that I can remember..)
    and the issue remains with or without firewall and antivirus (WebRoot).
    I am puzzled.
    Any idea ?
    Thanks for your help.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Album cover (artwork) not showing anymore

    When kinsky shows the network address, type it into a web browser, it should be able to show the artwork if there are no issues with Asset.


    • JFP

      • Jan 2009
      • 13

      Re: Album cover (artwork) not showing anymore

      Originally posted by Spoon
      When kinsky shows the network address, type it into a web browser, it should be able to show the artwork if there are no issues with Asset.
      Hello Spoon, I did type the network address shown by Kinsky instead of the cover art :

      and it points to the music file not the artwork [Asset UPnP 4 Windows 7 64 bit]
      Also : when updating tags, the process uMedialibrary.exe uses 12% CPU with Windows 7 64 bit
      but a whopping 28% with Vista 32 bit ??! (processor core i7-950)
      Thanks for your help


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Album cover (artwork) not showing anymore

        Sorry, I thought kinksy was showing the art address not music file address. Try running Asset Control on a PC, when no art is showing, browse to the same location and see if the art is missing (Asset Control is in the beta section of this forum).

