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Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

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  • Printo

    • Sep 2010
    • 8

    Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

    Hi Spoon,

    I am running Asset V4 (upgraded from a former V3 version) premium local on a WIN XP laptop. For a long time it worked properly. From some time on I had errors in the album list and especially in the year-folder there was a lot of Tracks missing.

    "Refresh all" doesn´t help. I deleted the uMediaLibrary, edited it new and made a rescan - the errors remain

    So I deinstalled Asset completely, cleared the uMediaLibrary, etc and reinstalled Asset V4, everything new.

    But the errors remain - I am despearate, what else can I do?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

    It is likely the tracks are there, just not where you are expecting them.

    Look in C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp

    and run uMediaLibrary-dumpdb.exe

    Save the text file and load into excel.

    Then have a look at how Asset see the tags for the missing tracks.


    • Printo

      • Sep 2010
      • 8

      Re: Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

      Thank you for your quick feedback, Spoon!

      I did as you told me, but to be honest: the vast of data doesn´t help me, I can´t see a usefull information there.

      Maybe I tell you, what I tried meanwhile and there is an idea for you to see.

      I Transfered my hole music library (about 900 CDs) to an other PC, installed my Asset Premium there and made a "Refresh all". It works fine and when using PlugPlayer everything was ok.
      Then I transfered the uMediaLibrary-folder from this PC to my Laptop and tested it there - it works fine. The I made a "Refresh all" on the Laptop, tested it - and it was corrupted!

      The "Album"-listing seems to be ok, the "title"-listing seems to be ok, but the "Artist/Album" was corrupted. a lot of covers are missing there and when I type on a letter and then on an artist, nothing was inside. If I waited a little bit during this search, PlugPlayer jumps back to the main menue!
      If I look under "year" (I moved this on the first level of the menue via browse-tree edit), there are listed only 5 Tracks (of 9,500!) and that are the only tracks that are NOT in FLAC-format in my folder "Test".

      I compared the uMediaLibrary-folder before and after the rescan on my Laptop: the only file that was changed from its content was the "uMediaLibraryMainDBv4.bin"-file.

      Ok, shit happens, but I deinstalled and reinstalled Asset for two times on my Laptop and that error survived it for two times. Where is the wrong information hidden? Is there a kind of "total-eraser" for Asset?

      Hope, you can help me to find this error...


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

        If you dump the two libraries and compare them side by side it might show something.

        All asset settings are stored in the folder \umedialibrary\ so clearing that folder of everything clears all settings.


        • Printo

          • Sep 2010
          • 8

          Re: Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

          Hello Spoon,

          the only thing I can see, when I compare both dumps, ist the same I can see in my PlugPlayer: the entries for year are missing.

          I deleted the folder \umedialibrary\ every time I tried to fix this error. So, if this the complete memory of Asset, how can this error survive all my efforts of installing Asset new?

          Can there be an additional wrong entry in the Regestry?
          Is Asset depending on any service running?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

            Do you have any other Illustrate software such as dBpoweramp installed? (such as R14.3 beta)?


            • Printo

              • Sep 2010
              • 8

              Re: Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

              Yes, I have also a registered version of dBpoweramp on my laptop


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

                Which version please?


                • Printo

                  • Sep 2010
                  • 8

                  Re: Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

                  Registered Reference V14.2


                  • Printo

                    • Sep 2010
                    • 8

                    Re: Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

                    Hi Spoon,

                    do you have additional advices for me? - I am still dealing with this problem...


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44844

                      Re: Asset V4 seems to be corrupted - reinstalling failes

                      Only that to track it down you need to look at the database export for each of the two machines, focus on one track entry which is wrong and look at it on both.

