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Strange gapless-problem: fade-in/out between tracks!

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  • dvdr
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2008
    • 235

    Strange gapless-problem: fade-in/out between tracks!

    Posted this at the Linn-forums as well, but could be related to Asset, so I'll ask here, too:

    I do have a strange problem with a CD I ripped, that, when played, does quickly fade in/out at the transition between two gapless tracks.
    Never had this before!
    Only, when I set Asset uPnP to transcode to wav (stream wav to the Akurate) I can avoid the fade in/out. The moment I use the "as is" or "is single" option (in other words: streaming flac to the Akurate DS, who itself has to do the transcoding), I will again get the fading-problem.
    Playback takes place on an Akurate DS (first gen., latest Davaar), connected to a Klimax Pre (new board).
    I have no way to explain it, so please bear with me and help me find the error.

    Here's what I did

    - Ripped via latest version of dbpoweramp - settings have not changed, other gapless CDs work in the abovementioned setting without the fade in/out issue

    - Ripping drive is a Plextor CD-R-drive, that always gave me great ripping results.

    - this fade is almost like the fade you get, when switching channels on the Klimax Pre, only much quicker

    - I thought, it might be a davaar beta issue, so I reverted the Akurate DS back to 4.5.3, but the issue persisted

    - I then took the flac-files and loaded them into Audacity audio editor: the files looked fine, full level at the track boundaries

    - I then attached tracks 1 and tracks 2 and listened, whether during ripping, the was some sort of "wrong pause" added to the tracks: those attached tracks played fine in Audacity, as the should: gapless with no fade - so no error on the encoding/ripping side

    - I then converted flac -> wav -> flac to sort out any "hidden" encoding issue: still "fade-y" at the track boundaries, when sending flac natively to the Akurate DS.

    - looking at the display of the Akurate DS, it properly displays "flac" as the fileformat, when streaming flac.

    - One thing I noticed, that might give a hint: when I stream flac, there is a short delay between hitting "play" and the playback, a fraction of the first note seems to be cut off. When hitting skip back to the beginning of the now playing song, there is no delay nor cutoff.
    When setting Asset uPnP to transcode to wav and stream wav to the Akurate, this "pause" and "cut off a fraction" does NOT happen.

    - the flacs are compressed with level 5, in other words: it should not put too much of a decoding-stress to the processor.

    - a network issue on my (cabled) LAN is out of question, I can stream 192/24-files without any problem.

    So: do you have any explanation, what might be happening here? I have not clue whatsover.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Strange gapless-problem: fade-in/out between tracks!

    Which version of Asset are you using?


    • dvdr
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Sep 2008
      • 235

      Re: Strange gapless-problem: fade-in/out between tracks!

      Latest Beta, R4.1, running on a WHS 2011 machine - had always used the special, latest WHS2011 installer before, installed R4.1 via Remote Desktop over it, then...


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Strange gapless-problem: fade-in/out between tracks!

        and only one album is affected?


        • dvdr
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Sep 2008
          • 235

          Re: Strange gapless-problem: fade-in/out between tracks!

          So, far, yes, only one album - the other albums, that I checked (only a few so far, not all that could be gapless in my collection), are not affected. They have been ripped over two years ago, though. So this album is the newest rip.
          Could it be, that this is some sort of "timing" issue?
          What I see on the progress bar of Songbook and PlugPlayer is, that about 1 - 2 seconds before the end of one track, the progress-bar-button stops (a few millimeters before the end of the "progress line"), and then after the new track starts, halts for another ~ 1 second, before it moves on. That exactly is the moment, when this fade-ing happens.
          Just as a reminder: when examining the files themselves in an audio editor, there is no such thing as a pause or silence at the beginning or end of the individual tracks. When tracks are attached to each other in the audio editor, the tracks play gaplessly without interruption!
          Spoon, I don't want to cause big trouble with this, since so far, only one album is affected, but I just thought, I should bring the issue to your notice....
          Last edited by dvdr; July 09, 2012, 12:40 PM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Strange gapless-problem: fade-in/out between tracks!

            It is possibly a bug in the DS FLAC decoder...

