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Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

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  • docmart

    • Jan 2012
    • 31

    Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

    I run Asset Premium release 4 on my Windows 7 laptop. My music files are stored on my QNAP NAS. This is 1.13TB of music files, 28770 tracks, 2079 albums currently on the NAS, but this will more than double as I plan to convert my >4000 LP collection to digital format for convenience (though I will retain the LPs!)

    For the last couple of weeks Asset has been failing to automatically detect new additions or changes to metadata etc. This means that every time I add something, I have to do a manual rescan. I DO have the appropriate box ticked, BTW.

    Is there any solution to this, or is it a known problem?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

    If you do a manual scan, detecting changes, it detects the new files?


    • docmart

      • Jan 2012
      • 31

      Re: Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

      Yes. Takes about 10-15 minutes to do it, though.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

        Asset relies upon the file system telling asset that a change has occurred, Asset then triggers a scan. I am thinking when it is a network share, with a certain number of files present, these changes are not being broadcast (either NAS >> Windows, or Windows >> Asset).


        • docmart

          • Jan 2012
          • 31

          Re: Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

          Then it must be something to do with Windows > Asset, as the QNAP's built in Twonky server immediately picks up the addtion/alterations.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

            Twonky is running locally on the QNAP, if you were to share a folder from your Windows Machine, it is different to accessing the files locally (different protocols).


            • docmart

              • Jan 2012
              • 31

              Re: Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

              OK. So ... do I report this problem to the programmers of Asset? From Naim forums at least one other member has noted a similar problem since his music files exceed 1TB.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

                We are the programmers of Asset.

                If you had a Windows Home Server NAS, you could have 1 million tracks, it would still auto refresh...


                • docmart

                  • Jan 2012
                  • 31

                  Re: Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

                  OK, so it looks as if I'll just have to live with this little annoyance, as I can't see anything in the QNAP setup which will change this. I certainly have no intention of purchasing a new NAS just yet. Thanks anyway.


                  • docmart

                    • Jan 2012
                    • 31

                    Re: Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

                    I've just been doing a little bit of research on NFS and the QNAP NAS. Came across this page :

                    Could this be the solution? I wonder why the page says set up a new share called NFS - surely I ought to just be enabling my Multimedia folder on the QNAP, as that is where I keep my audio files?

                    Also, the page mentions ticking NFS in Windows 7, but there is no box called NFS in the enable windows features window. Do they mean Net Framework, which is marked with a solid box rather than a tick on my laptop?


                    • dbfan
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Jan 2011
                      • 937

                      Re: Asset release 4 premium : failure to detect and catalogue changes

                      Nfs is different to .net

                      I am not sure it would help.

