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Asset Forgets Library Contents

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  • map856

    • May 2012
    • 25

    Asset Forgets Library Contents

    I've been running the trial version of Asset release 4 with my Musical Fidelity M1CliC. This works really well except for one thing. Every day, I have to manually re-scan my music library because it seems to "forget" some of tracks. For example, I can scan my library today and all my albums and tracks will be fully up to date, and I can play anything from A to Z. If I try to use it tomorrow, Asset will only show a subset of the scanned tracks, for example, A to S but not T to Z. It does seem to be an alphabetical problem as the remembered tracks are always in the first part of the alphabet (e.g. A to S) and the forgotten tracks always from the second part of the alphabet (e.g. T to Z). The position of the split varies! I would appreciate any insights as to what might be causing this odd behaviour.
  • tapestry45

    • Jun 2011
    • 16

    Re: Asset Forgets Library Contents

    :yawn:Hi´also I wonder why you can´t add albim art to 24 bit wav files? thanks.

    Last edited by tapestry45; May 10, 2012, 10:36 AM. Reason: WRONG THREAD


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Asset Forgets Library Contents

      Try Asset Control in the beta section of this forum, see if you can browse these missing albums.


      • map856

        • May 2012
        • 25

        Re: Asset Forgets Library Contents

        Hi Spoon. As expected, Asset did not remember all my tracks. I tried Asset Control - this looks like an awsome piece of software, but unfortunately this too could not detect the missing tracks. Asset UPNP Configuration started at 4356 tracks and ended with 4659 tracks after "detecting changes".


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Asset Forgets Library Contents

          Where are the tracks stored? if they were on a network drive and it disappears once a day, the tracks would be removed.


          • map856

            • May 2012
            • 25

            Re: Asset Forgets Library Contents

            Yes, the tracks are on a network drive which is mapped to my PC where Asset is installed. The NAS is on 24x7 but the PC is switched off when at night. Does that explain it? If so however, why are only some and not all of the tracks removed?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Asset Forgets Library Contents

              often it takes a while for a network drive to appear on startup, during that time some of the tracks could be removed.

              In the advanced options page, switch off the option which enables Asset to monitor those folders automatically.


              • map856

                • May 2012
                • 25

                Re: Asset Forgets Library Contents

                Thanks Spoon, that did the trick! I'll keep an eye on this for the next few days just to make sure :smile2:

