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WMP 12 help needed

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  • stickler

    • May 2012
    • 13

    WMP 12 help needed

    Hi all, hope someone has the patience to help.

    I'm what you guys would call a noob. I have windows 7 32 bit and wmp 12 on my pc networked to an onkyo trn609 avr. My music collection is in flac format on my hard drive. last year I managed to be able to see Asset upnp in WMP (after I installed it it appeared on left hand side of WMP screen) and was able to stream to the avr and I was quite happy about that. Anyway I was a bit too happy one night and accidentally deleted upnp or pressed the wrong button and it disappeared from WMP and I cannot get it back. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, refreshing libraries etc but can't do it.

    Is there a simple way to just open up asset upnp in windows and start streaming again? Apologies in advance for my being a simpleton with all things to do with servers and streaming etc but I'm really hoping someone is able to point me in the right direction.

    Many thanks in advance,
    the stickman
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: WMP 12 help needed

    You might want to try Asset Control, instead of Windows Media Player, see the beta section of this forum.


    • stickler

      • May 2012
      • 13

      Re: WMP 12 help needed

      Thanks mate, I'll give it a shot.

      Hope it's simple enough for a dullard like me to work out.



      • Paul_G

        • Sep 2011
        • 18

        Re: WMP 12 help needed

        Stupidly I appear to have done exactly what Stickler has done above. I.e. I right clicked on the Asset UPNP library entry and removed it from the list. I can see no way of getting it back! Any Ideas?


        • stickler

          • May 2012
          • 13

          Re: WMP 12 help needed

          Wow, coincidentally I just came back to follow up this thread just as Paul has posted his problem. I was hoping he had a solution when I saw there'd been a reply.......bugger.

          So Paul, I STILL haven't been able to get it working in WMP12 since I stuffed it up.

          Spoon - I have been using Control which I like BUT it always freezes up part way into a playlist. That wouldn't even be too bad if I could just shut down and restart and resume the list but it doesn't save the list meaning I have to go through and select all the tracks again which is beyond the realms of my patience.

          Are you able to offer any advice to the original post until Control is a bit more stable??

          Many thanks in advance.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: WMP 12 help needed

            If Asset has been removed from WMP, I would not know how to get it back into WMP.


            • starfire

              • May 2012
              • 23

              Re: WMP 12 help needed

              Think I just solved this problem myself.

              On WMP where you have your library tree displayed on the left hand size, right click and choose Customize Navigation Plane, then choose Other Libraries - you can then check what libraries you want displayed, I found Asset was unticked.


              • Paul_G

                • Sep 2011
                • 18

                Re: WMP 12 help needed

                Spooklily I have just figured out the same thing :smile: Happy now... Now I got to try and get Asset Control working....


                • stickler

                  • May 2012
                  • 13

                  Re: WMP 12 help needed

                  Thank you!! I cannot believe I didn't stumble across this option when I was trying to fix it - it's so simple.

                  Thanks again

