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Front & Back-cover question

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  • dvdr
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2008
    • 235

    Front & Back-cover question

    I have used mp3tag to store not only the front cover into flac files, but also the album's back cover. Mp3tag can store multiple covers, you can assign the values "front cover" and "back cover" to the pictures by right-clicking them in mp3tag.

    Now when I browse the albums in Asset (with songbook, plugplayer, chorus or kinski), in the browse-tree, I see the back covers, whilst, when I add the albums/tracks to the playlist, there I see the front covers.
    Maybe, this is due to the fact, how I imported the covers: first, I imported the back-cover, assigned the value "Back Cover" to them, then I imported the front covers (imported covers are automatically treated as front covers by mp3tag at first). I could not do it the other way round, because mp3tag would only let me batch-apply a cover value to the first and only stored cover in a file (of course, I did not want to edit each of the many files of this collection singularily), once a second cover gets stored, this option is not there anymore.

    So most possibly, the display-problem is caused by the fact, that the first cover in the tags is a back-cover, and only the second one "in the row" is a front-cover. But why then is Asset giving out the back-cover during browsing, but properly gives out/recognizes the front-cover during playback? Any idea, on what I can do or how to correct this?


    Small addendum: is there any chance, that Asset in conjuntion with a control point will be able to display other pictures stored in flac-files? I usually scan the liner-notes and booklets as well, so during playback, it would be great, when one could look and browse them in the control-point like you see the cover. mo3tag already has the ability to assign these tag-values to imported pictures, as well....
    Last edited by dvdr; April 27, 2012, 07:02 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Front & Back-cover question

    R4.1 should fix this issue

    I do not think you will see support for multi cover art or liners in upnp.

