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Asset from Android controllers

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    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2011
    • 138

    Asset from Android controllers

    I will purchase a smartphone soon. I am vascillating between iPhone and Android.
    The availability of a robust configurable UPNP/DLNA controller plays a role.
    I know that with the iPhone I can use the same app that I currently use with an iPad (AirPlayer).
    What are the "good" controllers for Android?
    With AirPlayer, I can point the app to a URL to gain access to my AssetUPNP library over the internet (with port 26125 opened on my firewall/router). Do any Android controllers offer similar support?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset from Android controllers

    There are about 5 - 8 UPnP applications on the iPad/iPhone, but only one on Android, so much less choice.


    • bergstr11

      • Apr 2012
      • 3

      Re: Asset from Android controllers

      Originally posted by Spoon
      but only one on Android, so much less choice.
      that is absolutely not true. I can immediately name three (BubbleUPnP, UPnPlay and Andromote, the first being the better IMO), but there are almost countless others. The biggest problem is trying them out to find your personal preference. If you dont want to go down that road, go with BubbleUPnP, it is pretty solid.


      • RLANE
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • May 2011
        • 138

        Re: Asset from Android controllers

        :smile2: Thank you! :smile2: Thank you! :smile2: Thank you! :smile2:
        BubbleUpNP indeed does everything I want, including internet connectivity. AT&T thanks you too - it solidified my decision to get a Samsung Galaxy Note.

