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No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

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  • Johncan

    • Oct 2009
    • 25

    No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

    I have a Roku Soundbridge M2000 and have been using Asset V3 for a while with no problems. I upgraded to Asset V4 today and nothing will play. My files are FLAC that Asset converts to WAV. Asset has scanned the files correctly and it show 45,532 files. All the artists and albums on show on the Roku, but when I go to play an album it shows zero files.

    My PC is Windows 7 (64-bit). What have I configured wrong?

  • drpratt01

    • Mar 2012
    • 3

    Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

    Originally posted by Johncan
    I have a Roku Soundbridge M2000 and have been using Asset V3 for a while with no problems. I upgraded to Asset V4 today and nothing will play. My files are FLAC that Asset converts to WAV. Asset has scanned the files correctly and it show 45,532 files. All the artists and albums on show on the Roku, but when I go to play an album it shows zero files.

    My PC is Windows 7 (64-bit). What have I configured wrong?

    I had the same "issue" on upgrade to V4. I believe what we are seeing is now some partial support for the native Soundbridge browse catagories. With V3 I only saw the ablity to use containers and those worked well. If you Browse Server Containers - that should work as before. What I did to get my native Soundbridge browse catagories to work was edit the OverrideSettings for Control Point "Allegro-Software-WebClient/4.32":


    The dBpoweramp support team will need to comment on why the change and are there further tweaks required for a Soundbridge.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44827

      Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4


      These only control the browsing experience, not playback, so that leaves:


      Unless the files were more than CD quality (44KHz 2 channel, 16 bit) the above should make no difference.


      This one will force the stream as wave, John suggests he already has FLAC sent as wave.


      • Johncan

        • Oct 2009
        • 25

        Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

        It works if I browse to Containers. That adds about 5 of 6 steps before I can select the album I wish to play. Is there a better to do this? I am code illiterate so I don't always understand the workaround language.

        All my files are 16 bit, 2 channel, 44.1 KHz. My DAC upsamples.



        • drpratt01

          • Mar 2012
          • 3

          Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

          Originally posted by Johncan
          It works if I browse to Containers. That adds about 5 of 6 steps before I can select the album I wish to play. Is there a better to do this? I am code illiterate so I don't always understand the workaround language.

          All my files are 16 bit, 2 channel, 44.1 KHz. My DAC upsamples.

          Spoon - don't be so quick with your answer - I fully understand what it took to get this working correctly and not use your default container. It took me all day last saturday but got it working.

          Yes - this is what is required for browsing (& playback) since you cannot see any tracks without them in native Soundbridge browsing:


          These I added as my own customization to eliminate my global .flac = wave. The Soundbridge does not support flac and is also limited to 16bit/48KHz. The two channel limit was just added for good measure.


          You changed something from V3 to V4 that allows some native Soundbridge browsing put not without the the proper Override tweaks. Mine was also working just fine using your default containers for V4. I still have a playlist issue that I haven't fixed / worked out where all I get for playlists is all my tracks.


          • Johncan

            • Oct 2009
            • 25

            Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

            I would love to get this working properly. Where can I find Asset V3 until this is fixed? I did not save a copy of the exe.


            • Johncan

              • Oct 2009
              • 25

              Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

              Is there a fix?


              • drpratt01

                • Mar 2012
                • 3

                Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

                I am using the WHS version of Assetv4 but things should be similar:

                In Advanced Settings, you need to find the "Settings Override (Control Point Specific)" in the General Settings catagory. Click on Edit Override Values and add:


                Say OK to save, and OK to exit Advanced Settings.

                Remember to restart Asset.

                If this doesn't work for you - there is a "Restore Default" button where you added the override settings.

                I still would like an explanation about the change from V3 to V4 with regards to how a Soundbridge is being now being supported.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44827

                  Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

                  Probable bug noted


                  • oeringer

                    • Mar 2012
                    • 2

                    Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

                    My Kinsky-Desktop can still see and browse the library after upgrade, but nothing plays to my Linn Majik DS-I ... Any known settings causing such issues? Any suggested edit to control-point specific settings, as suggested in one of the above posts? Any hints are most appreciated :komisch9:


                    • oeringer

                      • Mar 2012
                      • 2

                      Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

                      Edit: after library got empty (which happens at times) and did not respond (never had that before), after restart and (then possible) re-scan behaviour is improved to have only the art-work issue residual. On 1st day after upgrade, artist-display in the Linn-display did not work, instead the filenames were shown, which REALLY annoyed me ... the unfortunate thing is that V3 was just feeling good :blush:


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44827

                        Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

                        Uninstall Asset, restart your computer and install V4, then trigger a full rescan.


                        • Johncan

                          • Oct 2009
                          • 25

                          Re: No files will play after upgrade to Asset V4

                          Originally posted by drpratt01
                          I am using the WHS version of Assetv4 but things should be similar:

                          In Advanced Settings, you need to find the "Settings Override (Control Point Specific)" in the General Settings catagory. Click on Edit Override Values and add:


                          Say OK to save, and OK to exit Advanced Settings.

                          Remember to restart Asset.

                          If this doesn't work for you - there is a "Restore Default" button where you added the override settings.
                          This worked for me. It is a little harder to navigate than what was in V3, but it works. Thank you.

