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Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

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  • brucesee

    • Jul 2009
    • 38

    Asset showing up on some but not all devices.


    Today, I installed Asset on my HP EX 485 WHS. I have several devices to which I stream media from the server. On some of those devices (Oppo BD 93, Yamaha RX-A2000 AVR), I see Asset. But, Asset does not show up on my NetGear NTV 550, which is an UPnP capable device. The HP uses Twonky. Is there a potential conflict there w/Asset? Any other ideas as to why Asset would not show up? Thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44715

    Re: Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

    There should be no conflict.

    It could be the NetGear is incompatible with Asset (and not necessarily because of Asset, we have seen UPnP players in the past which only work effectively with an exact copy of Windows Media Player UPnP implementation, ie they do not follow the UPnP specification).


    • brucesee

      • Jul 2009
      • 38

      Re: Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

      Oh, well. Thanks for the quick reply.


      • brucesee

        • Jul 2009
        • 38

        Re: Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

        Hi Spoon:

        An update. I can now actually "see" Asset on my NetGear device. But, I'm unable to play any tracks. My library shows up, but, when I attempt to play a track, the NetGear returns a message that it is "unable to play. The media cannot be opened or the location is unaccessible."

        I've noticed 2 things (and I've no idea whether these have any relevance).

        First, while my Oppo (which can play Asset) treats Asset as a server, the NetGear sees it only when I "browse folders."

        Second, when viewing Asset's settings, specifically while looking at Known Control Points, I don't see the NetGear (I do, however, see my Yamaha AVR, Oppo BD). Could that be an issue?



        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44715

          Re: Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

          If the Netgear is not appearing on that list it suggests that it is not actually browsing Asset.


          • brucesee

            • Jul 2009
            • 38

            Re: Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

            Any suggestions on how to "force" the NetGear to actually browse Asset? Could I, for example, somehow manually add Asset to the Known Control Points?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44715

              Re: Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

              Everything is controlled from the Netgear side


              • brucesee

                • Jul 2009
                • 38

                Re: Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

                That being the case, let me describe how I access media over the NetGear from my WHS, and maybe you could (please) give me a suggestion on how to get Asset operational.

                Currently, my WHS has both SMB and NFS installed. Generally, I stream from NFS, simply because I get faster transmission rates than I would using SMB. To access media from folders on the WHS, I point the NetGear to what it refers to as "media locations" (which are simply the various media folders - music, videos, photos - located on the WHS). To get to the "media locations," the NetGear scans my network, sees my server's IP address, and usually finds the various folders. The NetGear displays the folders as both SMB and NFS locations, and I can pick and choose which folders should be used. By way of example, an SMB folder displays as "Music on Server IP address" while an NFS folder displays as "Music on Server IP address (NFS)" Despite seeing the folders under SMB and NFS, I don't see anything showing up (at least in that stage) as an Asset folder (and, honestly, I don't know if I would/should).

                I also have the option of adding media locations manually. When doing that, the NetGear asks what "type" I'm trying to add, either NFS or SMB/CIFS (Windows). Again, not sure if there's a way to add Asset here. Following that step, I'm asked to add the Server or IP name, and then the share name.

                So, put simply, when finding media locations, the NetGear sees only NFS and SMB locations - not anything that appears to be Asset. But, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the NetGear does see Asset in another instance; namely, when I browse folders on the network. In that instance, the NetGear shows not only the NFS and SMB locations, but, also references "Asset UPnP: server IP address" Like I said, while I can browse that folder, and actually get a full listing of artists, albums, etc (even cover art), none of the files actually play. Let me just throw in (for the sake of completeness) that I also use a SqueezeBox for music streaming. As a result, I have the Logitech Media Server software installed on my WHS as an add-in. As w/Asset, I see Logitech as a "folder" when browsing folders on the NetGear. And, just like Asset, if I select the Logitech "folder," the NetGear will show my library but be unable to play any of the files.

                Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I really want to be able to use Asset (I've used RipNas and other db products for years and find your stuff to always be great). Thanks.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44715

                  Re: Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

                  NFS and SMB are not UPnP, so unless it is UPnP it cannot work with Asset.


                  • brucesee

                    • Jul 2009
                    • 38

                    Re: Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

                    Well, I'm pretty sure that the HP WHS is UPnP. And, the NetGear is supposed to be, too. Here's another thing I noticed: when in the browse folder mode on the NetGear, the SMB and NFS shared folders are indicated as such (i.e., there is a graphic next to those folders indicating that they are shared). Asset, on the other hand, has a graphic indicating it's DLNA. So, all that sounds "right." Could there be something on the server side (or Asset side) that is preventing the NetGear from full access via DLNA/UPnP?


                    • brucesee

                      • Jul 2009
                      • 38

                      Re: Asset showing up on some but not all devices.

                      Sorry. Also, the HP WHS can stream via Twonky and Windows Media Connect, both of which are UPnP. And, the NetGear is able to not only see those UPnP servers, but, also (unlike Asset so far), play from them.

