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How to delay automatic library rescans?

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  • amatala

    • Feb 2012
    • 14

    How to delay automatic library rescans?


    I've just started with Asset v3 a couple of days back so I still have lots of questions. Thanks in advance for all support provided on this forum!

    Is there a possibility to somehow delay or control when the automatic library rescan is starting - other than stopping the Asset server, I mean?

    Today I started copying a couple hundred FLAC files to my music folder containing 86K FLAC files.
    As soon as the copy started, the Asset automatic library rescan kicked in, while I was still busy copying files. It took around 20 minutes to complete the refresh and as soon as it was over it kicked in again because it detected the files copied after the first scan was started... In the end I had to correct a couple of wrong TAGs and the scan kicked in for the third time because of these new changes. Overall I spent over 1 hour rescanning the library 3 times just for a few minor changes...
    It would be great to have a way to put this automatic refresh on hold for a while until all changes are done and then do the rescan only once... Is this possible in any way?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How to delay automatic library rescans?

    On the Advanced Settings Page is an option to disable automatic scanning


    • amatala

      • Feb 2012
      • 14

      Re: How to delay automatic library rescans?

      Great, thanks!
      So I will disable the automatic scanning and manually request a scan whenever I'm done with all planned changes on the library. That's good enough for me!

