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Program not responding

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  • tamblers

    • Jan 2012
    • 7

    Program not responding

    Often during the course of playing music the program will stop, usually after a selection in the playlist has completed. The program displays an error message offering a choice of waiting for the program to respond or closing the program. After a wait I shut it down then restart, reselect tracks or albums and it plays again for a time. The computer is an Intel I-7 2600K @ 3.4KHZ with 16gb of ram installed so shouldn't be lacking for power. It's connected wireless via a Cisco WES610 bridge to a PS Audio PWD. Any idea as to why the program is stopping?
    Also, one of the available libraries, an eLyric manager, is displaying notes with diagonal red lines with all content. The other three selectable libraries are fine except for the random stopping noted above.
  • dbfan
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Jan 2011
    • 937

    Re: Program not responding

    Asset Control is stopping?


    • tamblers

      • Jan 2012
      • 7

      Re: Program not responding

      Yes, I should have been more clear, the message says that Asset Control is not responding. It's been happening quite often. The computer has no power saving options set which I thought might be affecting it.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Program not responding

        Asset Control is in beta testing right now, it is not a stable release.


        • Dog Tired

          • Mar 2012
          • 3

          Re: Program not responding

          I too have this problem, otherwise program is very good. I am using Windows 7 on a laptop, a Synology NAS, and a Naim ND5 XS media player. It rarely gets through the first CD and the laptop can be carrying out no other functions. Windows reports the following message.
          Problem signature:
          Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
          Application Name: Asset Control.exe
          Application Version:
          Application Timestamp: 4e7cef2c
          Hang Signature: 8d70
          Hang Type: 514
          OS Version: 6.1.7601.
          Locale ID: 2057
          Additional Hang Signature 1: 8d70a2b590f5b0263ed872c3955b828c
          Additional Hang Signature 2: b593
          Additional Hang Signature 3: b593be5a2ae9dc52f547e556b42b897f
          Additional Hang Signature 4: 8d70
          Additional Hang Signature 5: 8d70a2b590f5b0263ed872c3955b828c
          Additional Hang Signature 6: b593
          Additional Hang Signature 7: b593be5a2ae9dc52f547e556b42b897f

          It dosn't mean much to me! Windows media player Ver 12 seems ok when used in "Play to" mode, and using the Naim with its remote control is fine.
          Hope this helps or am I missing somthing?

