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love Asset, but ........

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  • jaket

    • May 2010
    • 5

    love Asset, but ........

    just offering opinion and a guaranteed few sales here...

    I understand conversion and I did license dbpoweramp and it was just great

    I tried out Asset and thought it was great, 30 day or not 30 day it could not do what I needed most.

    People in need of large scale music collections start with Windows serving out music but all eventually go to some flavour of NAS running LINUX.

    I wish I could have a NAS version of Asset, I and a few other people I know would immediately buy it but we are stuck with twonky and a few other pieces of software.

    please let me (us) know if you do plan to go the next step and get your software for NAS's.

  • nautibuoy

    • Dec 2011
    • 46

    Re: love Asset, but ........

    Originally posted by jaket
    People in need of large scale music collections start with Windows serving out music but all eventually go to some flavour of NAS running LINUX.Jake
    I have a large music collection and my WHS solution with Asset works just fine and I have no inclination towards a NAS/Linux solution.



    • RLANE
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • May 2011
      • 138

      Re: love Asset, but ........

      I have my music stored on a NAS and Asset running an a Windows 7 x64 machine. Works sweet. I have a large collection that could grow to 4 TB. No desire to have Asset on the NAS device itself.


      • DaFork
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Jan 2011
        • 67

        Re: love Asset, but ........

        I have an ultra low power mini itx system that I build myself, with win7-x64 running as a few applications (itunes, my gps watch dongle, ...) really require windows. It's also storage with a 2.5" 1TB harddisk next to my OS/boot SSD disc. Asset fits perfectly into this, so no other NAS for me and really looking forward to Asset v4 (that hopefully features UPNP search).


        • jaket

          • May 2010
          • 5

          Re: love Asset, but ........

          that is 2 connections and 2 directions via network, and 2 SMB stacks that data travels up and down.

          its very inefficient to host files as the 'middle man'

          when you get to pushing higher data rates those types of things start to matter


          • jaket

            • May 2010
            • 5

            Re: love Asset, but ........

            I rather use a windows box to do windows things like play games, your solution gets rid of the middleman but essentially you have built a NAS running windows which just the license already doesn't make it worthwhile.


            • nautibuoy

              • Dec 2011
              • 46

              Re: love Asset, but ........

              Originally posted by jaket
              when you get to pushing higher data rates those types of things start to matter
              Maybe I'll notice when I go higher res, it copes with 24bit 192KHz just fine at the moment. WHS also does really useful things very simply, such as backing up all the PCs in the house automatically, which is really important for the non-technical people in the household.

              Yes, I know Unix/Linux/etc are just as user friendly, they're just fussier about who they're friends with.



              • jaket

                • May 2010
                • 5

                Re: love Asset, but ........

                yeah. the NAS does all that without depending a computer to be on at all. it Manages the hard drives, sends you emails if something is wrong, etc.. Its just so much nicer and not having to hope Microsoft doesn't blow up something on their next update or reboot the machine is really much nicer.

                check out QNAP, they are unbelievable little boxes, dual NIC's, usb and esata, from 1 to 12 drives, ATOM quad processors inside, and I can play battlefield on my PC without bogging anyone down for music or movies.

                there are a few DLNA servers available for QNAP, they do an OK job, twonky is included licensed already on the QNAP but they have qwerky issues that they never seem to resolve.. Like I said, I'd pay to have Assest on the QNAP and I know others would do so as well.

                Cheers Nauti


                • nautibuoy

                  • Dec 2011
                  • 46

                  Re: love Asset, but ........

                  Originally posted by jaket
                  ...having to hope Microsoft doesn't blow up something on their next update or reboot the machine....
                  Ah, that old chestnut! When I was a Unix administrator I used to peddle that line but reality is somewhat different today; I don't have any of the issues you allude to.

                  Originally posted by jaket
                  yeah. the NAS does all that without depending a computer to be on at all.
                  As you can't directly attach a hard disk drive to a network port I wonder how that works?

                  Originally posted by jaket
                  ATOM quad processors inside...
                  So the answer is that the QNAP depends on a computer running all the time. It just happens to run Linux instead of Windows as the operating system.

                  Conceptually the QNAP and my Windows server are very similar, they're just 'black boxes' running a load of hard disk storage managed by embedded low-power computers - my laptops and desktops aren't tied up at all so I could game too, if I chose to.

                  Originally posted by jaket
                  check out QNAP
                  I did. Check out WHS.

                  That said, Asset is an excellent music library and if it were available on your chosen platform I'm sure you would be very pleased with the result.

                  Last edited by nautibuoy; December 22, 2011, 06:35 AM.


                  • nautibuoy

                    • Dec 2011
                    • 46

                    Re: love Asset, but ........

                    Here's a link to the latest incarnation of the Windows Home Server that I use.



                    • jaket

                      • May 2010
                      • 5

                      Re: love Asset, but ........

                      sorry, you're out of the loop here

                      if I leave my windows clients on auto update that does very much happen.

                      Its nice that you're carrying the torch and happy to leave your unix administrator role, but it has nothing to do with the topic.

                      Linux has at least 30% better performance on the same hardware, period.

                      linux does windows shares with SAMBA, been working for 10 years

                      on the other hand NFS performance on windows is DISMAL, and unless you buy ultimate they have removed it.

                      Riley boxes do not have dual nics, or support bonded ports, have external Esata? or USB? and at 1200 pounds, they are double the price of a 6 drive bay QNAP and do half as much.

                      An asset version for Linux is the topic, lets not go off and have research fun on who made the better purchase


                      • nautibuoy

                        • Dec 2011
                        • 46

                        Re: love Asset, but ........

                        excuse me while I yawn...

                        Merry Christmas.

