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Excessive Paging Causing Problem on Windows XP?

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  • craigpr

    • Sep 2011
    • 5

    Excessive Paging Causing Problem on Windows XP?

    I have Asset UPnP Server (version running on a Windows XP box (SP3 and latest updates). It runs flawlessly (almost!) with my Arcam SoloNeo client. The XP box is dedicated to running as an Asset audio server. It has a hyper-threaded 3GHz CPU, and 4GB RAM (of which only about 3.4GB is usable by XP). My music files are stored in Apple Lossless format and transcoded by Asset into LPCM.

    I had noticed that from time to time there are some minor pauses in the music output that last less than a second before the music carries on normally until it happens again some random time later (usually just a few minutes). I did a thorough investigation of the machine itself (using network and performance monitor tools) and found that hard paging seemed to be the problem. There was quite a high rate of hard page faulting being encountered. All other relevant metrics (network loading, CPU usage, disk queuing) were all well within the low-end of my expectations. I found the solution was to put my music files onto a separate and dedicated disk (away from the paging disk). Even though my problem has now gone away, I am curious about the hard paging rate. The "culprit" (from my analysis) is Asset-uPNP.exe which has about 40,000 hard pages faults for every 45 minutes of serving up music. I have more than enough RAM for hard paging not to be required. It may be that the program is set up to use no more than a certain amount of RAM. I have looked at the ini file (Asset-UPnPService.ini) but there appears to be no reference to RAM allocation there. Is there some way to increase the RAM usage and therefore cut down on the hard paging?

    Thanks for your help.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Excessive Paging Causing Problem on Windows XP?

    The OS decides whether to page part of a program out to swap file, Asset has no control over this, plus the fact that Asset should not use actually much memory at all...

    I am about to update (possibly tomorrow) Asset v4 which should be immune to paging, because the new asset will cache a number of seconds worth in memory. If you can try these release as you seem to have a system which reliably pauses the audio.


    • craigpr

      • Sep 2011
      • 5

      Re: Excessive Paging Causing Problem on Windows XP?

      Thanks. I do know that some of Microsoft's native applications allow the user to control memory usage to a certain degree (like their database engine SQL Server) – I thought that Asset may use a technique like this to provide for data buffering. If I do go across to version 4 as you suggest, will there be any way for me to revert back to the older version if the need arises? And do you have a link to a forum where you will be posting advice about whether you have been able to get version 4 ready for use?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Excessive Paging Causing Problem on Windows XP?

        v4 is in the beta section of the forum, just not the version you want

        It can be uninstalled, and v3 reinstalled


        • craigpr

          • Sep 2011
          • 5

          Re: Excessive Paging Causing Problem on Windows XP?

          I have visited the beta forum but it is not clear to me how to download a beta for V4 for Windows XP. Perhaps I have misunderstood you - is there a version for XP? Thanks.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Excessive Paging Causing Problem on Windows XP?

            You can download the Vista Windows 7 version (same programs, just missing the WMA system codecs)


            • craigpr

              • Sep 2011
              • 5

              Re: Excessive Paging Causing Problem on Windows XP?

              Thanks. I have now installed V4 to replace my V3 on Windows XP. Over the next few days I will check if the pausing issue has gone away.


              • craigpr

                • Sep 2011
                • 5

                Re: Excessive Paging Causing Problem on Windows XP?

                I have now been using V4 for about 7 weeks, and I can report that the pausing problem that I had been experiencing with V3 has gone away. Excellent!

