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Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

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  • Loony Singer

    • Sep 2011
    • 5

    Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

    I recently purchased a Pioneer VSX-1021-K AV receiver, which is internet enabled. I am trying to stream the music files from my PC to this receiver over the internet. My first effort was to set up Windows Media Player to accomplish this. I did have some success, but of course WMP does not support aac files. I found Asset uPnP and downloaded it for a try. It worked fine and I really liked the feature set, so I immediately upgraded to the Premium version. Now, however, while my receiver sees Asset uPnP it now says it is “not authorized”. At the same time, WMP still seems to work. I don’t think that this is a firewall issue, because I disabled my Norton 360 firewall and this did not solve the problem (my windows firewall is also off). I’d appreciate any suggestions how to solve the issue. I really like Asset uPnP, and having paid for it, I would like to be able to use it. Thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

    UPnP as part of the specification has a restricted flag, WMP uses this to allow or disallow specific devices, Asset UPnP does not use it at all (meaning any device can connect to asset unrestricted).


    • Loony Singer

      • Sep 2011
      • 5

      Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

      Thanks for the quick response, Spoon. However I did a few more experiments today and discovered that I had not described my problem accurately. So please let me try again. It turns out that both Asset uPnP and WMP work fine with my Pioneer receiver as long as the laptop is connected via WiFi. But if I plug the laptop in via a wired LAN connection, both Asset uPnP and WMP show up on the receiver as &*8220;not authorized&*8221;. The receiver, BTW, is connected via cable this whole time. It&*8217;s very odd &*8230; if I boot things up with the laptop on WiFi but then plug it in to my LAN network with a cable, the media server software doesn&*8217;t change status to &*8220;not authorized&*8221; on the receiver for a few minutes, and the two applications don&*8217;t go to &*8220;not authorized&*8221; at the same moment. So I know this is not specifically a problem with Asset uPnP, but I&*8217;m still hoping you can suggest a fix. Thanks again.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

        What controlling software are you running on the PC?


        • Loony Singer

          • Sep 2011
          • 5

          Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

          hi, PC is an IBM laptop running XP Professional version 5.1 (SP3). Hope that's what you were asking for.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

            Could it be your router is restricting UPnP?


            • Loony Singer

              • Sep 2011
              • 5

              Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

              My router is a Cisco Linksys E2000. I’m no expert on these things, but I logged onto it and went to the Administration/Management page. In the uPnP section on this page, “uPnP” is enabled, as is “Allow users to configure.” “Allow users to disable internet access” is disabled. Spoon, do these settngs sound OK? If so, can you suggest something else I can try? Once again, thanks!


              • dbfan
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Jan 2011
                • 937

                Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

                Try having both the laptop off and player, then only connect to LAN and power on, it could be the ip address changes which are causing problEms (once wireless switches to wired)


                • Loony Singer

                  • Sep 2011
                  • 5

                  Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

                  Aha! *********, I think you’ve found my problem!! I disabled the wireless connection on my laptop PC but left the wired connection intact. Then I rebooted both the laptop and receiver, and Asset uPnP (and WMP) worked perfectly. Next, I tried the opposite: I enabled WiFi on the laptop but disabled the LAN connection. I rebooted both machines, and again everything worked fine. So it is the switching between WiFi and LAN on the PC that is causing.things to go wrong. Since my PC is a laptop, I do move it around and use it both ways. Can you think of a straightforward way that I can keep things working both wired and wirelessly, without having to disable one connection or the other? Thanks again for your help!


                  • dbfan
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Jan 2011
                    • 937

                    Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

                    I do not know if you can work around this fault.


                    • GBrown
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Oct 2009
                      • 355

                      Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on new Pioneer AV receiver

                      I had a similar problem with my Pioneer. Instead of letting the DHCP assign an IP address, I fixed my problem by manually assigning the address. You may have better luck if you do the same thing with your laptop so that your router does not try to reassign the address when switching between wired and wireless.


                      • DenPureSound

                        • Feb 2012
                        • 1

                        Re: Asset uPnP "not authorized" on DENON AVR-4311CI Receiver

                        I have a Denon AVR-4311CI, and had to RESET the microprocessor within it. Then after a full RESET on the Denon AVR, it said for Asset uPnP Server = Not Authorized, so I set the DHCP to OFF, then put in a Manual Address for our Router, and then the Not Authorized went away. Then went back and set the DHCP w/in the Denon AVR to "ON", and the Asset Server Not Authorized was still GONE.

                        So, like GBrown stated above, by changing the DHCP w/in the Receiver to OFF, then setting up the IP Address to Manual, it works... then set it back to DHCP = ON, and the "NOT AUTHORIZED" will be gone, and all is GREAT now.

