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When will AssetUPnP show up?

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    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2011
    • 138

    When will AssetUPnP show up?

    I installed Asset UPnP this morning on Windows 7 Unltimate x64.
    It is running.
    Windows Firewall shows it enabled.
    It is still scanning the library, and probably will for a few hours.
    I cannot see it with any device, or with other PCs (I look for it classified with other Media Devise, where I see the one Twonky service from a WD My Book NAS device).
    Will the Asset server not show up until it has scanned the whole library?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: When will AssetUPnP show up?

    It should show whilst scanning, best though to wait for scanning to finish, then restart your PC.


    • RLANE
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • May 2011
      • 138

      Re: When will AssetUPnP show up?

      I can only see it on the Windows 7 PC it is installed on. It doesn't show up anywhere else (mobile devise of other networked PCs). Is there some security concern that needs to be addressed other than the Windows Firewall?


      • RLANE
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • May 2011
        • 138

        Re: When will AssetUPnP show up?

        And by "Restart yourt PC" (Spoon) do you mean the PC I am trying to view the service FROM or the PC that Asset UPnP is installed on?


        • RLANE
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • May 2011
          • 138

          Re: When will AssetUPnP show up?

          I rebooted the PC Asset is installed on after it scanned the library (and could not be seen by any other deviceon the network). Asset restarts, but now the library is empty. Have to rescan the entire library again.:cry:


          • RLANE
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • May 2011
            • 138

            Asset not visible on Network

            I have Asset running in simple configuration on Windows 7 x64.

            Local Service Account.
            A small library (56 files in 8 Albums) on the local hard drive, Asset scans fine.

            Task Manager shows the processes running.
            Asset appears as a Media device when browsing the Network in Widnows Explorer on the local PC (only, no other device can see it).

            Why does the Service always show as not running when I Restart Asset from the Asset Configuration utility? Starting that Service manually from Computer Management does not resolve the visibility issue.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Asset not visible on Network

              Normally Asset runs when you log on, and not as a service, unless you set it to run as a service.

              If you have security software and Asset is running as a service, you will not see the popup information asking to allow asset through the firewall, as it is on a service account. Try running asset locally, or disabling your security software (as a short test).


              • RLANE
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • May 2011
                • 138

                Asset not visible on Network

                Still not visible.
                Could it be a router issue?


                • RLANE
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • May 2011
                  • 138

                  Re: When will AssetUPnP show up?

                  Its a Windows Firewall issue. I turned teh Firewall totally off and it works now.
                  Does anyone know what speficially, other than the 4 AssetUPnP items, need to be configured to allow Asset to get through teh Windows Firewall?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: When will AssetUPnP show up?

                    Asset should add its self to Windows Firewall, if the programs are added then there should be no blocking going on.


                    • knightrider2000

                      • Sep 2010
                      • 6

                      Re: When will AssetUPnP show up?

                      I was having the same issue. AssetUPnP only showed up on the computer it was installed on. Disabled firewall and it worked. (So definitely firewall issue).

                      I looked at the Windows firewall rules for assetupnp and for some reason they showed as PUBLIC (only). For my setup they need to be PRIVATE as this is the way I have my network classified.

                      Not sure why it set these up as public instead of private. I have another computer with v2.1 and it showed the rules as private. Only difference I see on my new setup/computer is that I have 2 networks connected - my wired/ethernet network (PRIVATE) and a vmware/virtual network (PUBLIC). My 2cents is that the install should add a DOMAIN and a PRIVATE rule and never add a PUBLIC rule.

                      Try changing the rules to PRIVATE and I think it will work for you

