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Problem Installing Asset on WHS

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  • mark ainsworth

    • Apr 2010
    • 3

    Problem Installing Asset on WHS

    Am trying to install Asset on my WHS and the WHS console has frozen. I have previously used Asset successfully on this machine but due to disc problems have had to start again and re-install WHS (HP MediaSmart). When I install Asset it appears to immediately start to run and locks the console. I have 528GB data, 78,193 Files and 10,492 Folders – most of which should be excluded from Asset but I can’t get to the console to stop asset running and change the settings. Asset has been running now for almost 24 hrs and I’ve no way of telling what progress if any it is making. Previously I have crashed the server to get out of this situation but that results in File conflicts in the data. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can free up the console (I have already tried resetting the console but this doesn’t work) Also, should I need to reinstall Asset in the future is there anyway I can prevent this happening again? Asset is doing something because I can see music files on my PS3.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Problem Installing Asset on WHS

    Asset should not freeze the console, it does not even run in the same user account as the console (it is running as a service).

    In future try installing Asset through the remote desktop connection.

