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Asset UPnP wish list

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  • michu

    • Mar 2011
    • 3

    Asset UPnP wish list


    I've just started to test Asset UpnP – I like it and I have already some wishes concerning future versions.

    1. Customizable labels of main tree branches and tag names
    2. Filters (or intelligent playlists), advanced grouping and sorting possibilities
    3. Customizable playlist tree
    4. Controller profiles / user profiles (maybe it should be partially covered by Digital Media Controller functionality – Asset Control?)

    I'm sure that all mentioned topics are obvious for you but let me shortly comment them from user point of view (I've organized my music collection and now I'd like to make it easy to explore for my family).

    Ad. 1. It should be relatively easy to implement – just to use natural names in natural language.

    Ad. 2. Just few examples – some of them already mentioned in other threads:
    example 1: genre == “classical”
    artist / album

    example 2: to be able to group and sort composers according their birth year – eg. to group them by centuries and then sort them by their year of birth and by name. Actually, I have stored the composer's name in the form: “Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)”. Perhaps I could use tag fields: composersort and period but nevertheless it would be convenient to have more grouping and sorting options.

    example 3: album contains “Romantic Piano Concerto”
    composer (sorted by birth year)

    example 4:
    genre == “classical”
    artist contains “Mutter” or artist contains “Oistrakh”
    year (date of recording)

    Ad. 3. Generally speaking, it's for people with their own music classification system. A lot of them have already defined hundreds or even thousands of playlists – they could be presented in their folders or you could provide a tool to convert them to (synchronize them with) single XML or SQLite file and present as a separate branch in the tree.

    Ad. 4. People will probably control their music with their personal devices like smartphones, iPods/iPads, etc. They will probably want to control the library in their specific way, eg. to use only some branches of the global tree or to use their own, personal dynamic playlists.

    Have you included such (or similar) things in your development plans?

    Best regards,
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset UPnP wish list

    You are welcome to post this in the wish list section of the forum.


    • michu

      • Mar 2011
      • 3

      Re: Asset UPnP wish list

      ok - I've copied this to the wish list section. If I only could remove the first instance of this post.

