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How can I read entire album ?

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  • pierrejean75

    • Feb 2010
    • 10

    How can I read entire album ?

    How can I read entire album on my SONOS using Asset Upnp instead of the SONOS data base ?
    With Asset Upnp I have access to my total collection perfectly but I can only read track by track and not select all the tracks of one album
    Is it because I only have free version ?
    Thanks for your help
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How can I read entire album ?

    Just how it is with the Sonos (the latest version of sonos moved away from standard upnp support, and does not support asset).


    • pierrejean75

      • Feb 2010
      • 10

      Re: How can I read entire album ?

      it work fine with last firmware et last software of SONOS ( Ver 3.3 ) but the only probleme is that I cannot read one entire album
      I just can put the track one by one in the Sonos play list
      Do you think you have a solution for me ?


      • pierrejean75

        • Feb 2010
        • 10

        Re: How can I read entire album ?

        With the Sonos sofware they is a virtual playlist when we choose an album before the track list there is a virtual track " Play all the Album " and I can click on this virtual track and all the album come to my play list
        Would have such option in Asset ?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: How can I read entire album ?

          Which device are you using to control the sonos? the old chunk hand-held controller, the new sonos controller or the ipad/iphone?


          • pierrejean75

            • Feb 2010
            • 10

            Re: How can I read entire album ?

            I have the old chunk hand-held controller with the latest firmware and the Windows version on my Latop ( running on Win 7 )

            When I select an album using the Sonos Database I can hear one entire album just by clic or select him in the list

            but when I use Asset Upnp List I cannot clic on the button to get the album entire ... I'm only autorise to clic one track per one track

            Is it because I only ave trial version of Asset Upnp or is it a problem between Asset Upnp and Sonos ?

            thanks for your kind help


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: How can I read entire album ?

              No difference between trial or full versions, sorry.

