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On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

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  • dvdr
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2008
    • 235

    On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

    I am using Asset R3 Premium Registered on my Windows Home Server (Acer H340).
    I am usually remote-desktopping into the server, when I have to change things there. Just for a few days now, I do get an error-message popping up, that uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe produced and error and had to be closed. But this message comes back again about 5 - 10 times, once I click to close this message.

    This never happened before, and I do not know, why all over sudden, this error message appears. Is there anything I can do / check to find out the reason? I did not change anything on my WHS - at least, not that I am aware of.
    When I scan for changes, I can see in Windows Task Manager, that a process of uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe is running - it comes and goes during the scan.

    Any help is most appreciated.

    Addendum: the error-message said:

    szAppName : uMediaLibrary-ReadTags.exe szAppVer :
    szModName : unknown szModVer : offset : 0061006d

    I will send the complete error-report via email
    Last edited by dvdr; January 17, 2011, 05:47 PM.
  • dvdr
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2008
    • 235

    Re: On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

    update: for the last hour, I have been trying to update the library by just "detecting changes", which never took long with my library (mostly flac, some mp3). After one hour, the process is not even halfway through, and extremely slow. CPU is at 100%
    (I once had a problem with larger m4a files, but that is cured with the R2 update of the codec. I made sure, this was installed, still).


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

      You would need to isolate which audio track is causing the crash, if you can do this and email the file to me I can check why there is a crash.


      • dvdr
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Sep 2008
        • 235

        Re: On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

        sorry for being a bit unclear about this - I do not think, there is an audio-file involved in this error in the first place. I just was describing the long scanning process, since I thought, that could relate or be caused by the initial error.
        This error already happens during booting the WHS: my WHS is switched off, I start it without doing anything - no playback, no access to any audio files! - and then I right away log into the WHS using remote desktop. That's when those about 10 error messages about uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe pop up. Is uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe doing anything upon startup, is there anything, that can cause this APART from playing an audio-file?
        In settings, I have chosen to NOT update/scan my collection // look for changes automatically, I only start that manually once in a while, when I uploaded new files to my WHS.
        Remember: this never had happened before, and since Asset R3 and the m4a-codec R2, I have not made any changes to Asset/bpoweramp.

        I have mailed you a complete, zipped up error-report (minipdump, txt, etc.) that Windows was referring to in one of those error messages.
        If there is anything else, that you need to isolate the error (I am not sure, how I could isolate a single file in this case, which seems not related to a file, right?).

        Thanks for your help.
        Last edited by dvdr; January 18, 2011, 08:18 AM.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

          uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe is used only for scanning ID Tags from files. The popup errors are from the last time it crashed, Windows saves them up until you log on or restart.

          The dump does not help as it merely states it crashed whilst reading ID Tags, which I know already.


          • dvdr
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Sep 2008
            • 235

            Re: On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

            Thanks for the answer, Spoon.
            Any advice for me how to identify the problematic files? I have a huge library..... Is there any logging going on with which file it might have crashed?
            Last edited by dvdr; January 18, 2011, 01:33 PM.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

              If you let the library scan all the way though, then triggering a refresh detecting changes should only scan the file(s) which crashed, if you enable the debug log it should show which of those files it is.


              • dvdr
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Sep 2008
                • 235

                Re: On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

                I think, I found the problem: the files, that cause the crashes, are audiobook-files from Audible. They are in .aa and .aax format.
                I did what you told me. In the debug log, I could see the following:

                .aa-files: listing paths and an addendum "unable to read tags, the file might be in use"
                .aax-files: they appeared in the log, but just with their paths and no additional comments like with the .aa-files.

                You once mentioned, as far as I recall, that Asset would not scan any other filetypes than those, that are listed in the "exclude"-list under "Options". What I did, to check, whether Asset might still try to scan those files, was the following test:
                To exclude .aa and .aax from being scanned, I manually added two lines for these file-extentions in the MediaExcludeExts.txt file. Since Asset would always delete these lines, when being restarted, I changed the access to MediaExcludeExts.txt to read-only.
                With this little trick, I reached a fast, reliable scan without any problems and error-messages. So Asset seems to try to access .aa and .aax

                Conclusion: having Audible-files in my collection not only lead to the error-messages, but also to those hour-long scans.
                Do you think you could somehow prevent these files from being indexed by Asset? Right now, Asset seem to try to index them, and since they are not in the "official" manual exclusion selection list, there is only my above described workaround to get them "out of the way" (well, of course you could always save them to another folder outside Asset's scan directories - in my case, that is not possible, unfortunately...)


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

                  You must have the directshow decoder installed with those files added to the extensions, because none of our codecs try to access .aa or .aax


                  • dvdr
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Sep 2008
                    • 235

                    Re: On WHS: uMediaLibrary-Readtags.exe crashes?

                    Spoon - you are the champ... That corrected the problem :smile2:

