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Radio presets

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  • chr0non

    • Jan 2011
    • 17

    Radio presets

    Hi, new asset owner so apologies if this has already been covered (have searched forums though).

    I have created 5 or 6 presets in my Radiotime account but when I browse to the 'Presets' folder under internet radio I see at least twice that number listed, most of which say 'not supported' next to the station name.

    I guess these are different audio formats of the same channels - is there an way to filter these out or am I doing something else wrong?

    I have tried different controllers to browse the folder tree with (PlugPLayer for Android, eezUPNP on windows, WD live box ...) results are consistent.
  • dbfan
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Jan 2011
    • 937

    Re: Radio presets

    Can you give an example of one of the radio stations?


    • chr0non

      • Jan 2011
      • 17

      Re: Radio presets

      Log snippet below.

      Can I also ask why the log shows all radio streams forced to mp3? Is this by default? I am not aware of having configured this.



      co6 Filter: * Start Idx: 0 Count: 10

      OnBrowseDirectChildren::object_id: 6 ContainerLong: 0\Internet Radio [RadioTime]

      Internet Radio Request: /Browse.ashx?c=presets&formats=wma&username=xxxxxx& partnerId=xxxxxxxx
      Added Fixed URL: 92.1 | BBC Radio 3 (Classical) [48kbps] .wma
      Added Fixed URL: 198 | BBC Radio 4 LW (News) [48kbps] .wma
      Added Fixed URL: 95.8 | BBC Radio 4 (News) [48kbps] .wma
      Added Fixed URL: 909 | BBC Radio 5 live (News) [48kbps] .wma
      Added Fixed URL: 94.3 | BBC Radio Scotland (Variety) [48kbps] .wma
      Added Fixed URL: 93.3 | RTL Radio - Not Supported .wma

      Internet Radio Request: /Browse.ashx?c=presets&formats=wmpro&username=xxxxx x&partnerId=xxxxxxxx

      Internet Radio Request: /Browse.ashx?c=presets&formats=wmvoice&username=xxx xxx&partnerId=xxxxxxxx

      Internet Radio Request: /Browse.ashx?c=presets&formats=mp3&username=xxxxxx& partnerId=xxxxxxxx
      Added Fixed URL: 93.3 | RTL Radio (Classic Hits) [128kbps] .mp3
      Added Fixed URL: 104.3 | RTL (French Talk) [128kbps] .mp3

      Internet Radio Request: /Browse.ashx?c=presets&formats=ogg&username=xxxxxx& partnerId=xxxxxxxx


      104.3 | RTL (French Talk) [128kbps]: 7
      104.3 | RTL - Not Supported: 5
      198 | BBC Radio 4 LW (News) [48kbps]: 1
      198 | BBC Radio 4 LW - Not Supported: 5
      909 | BBC Radio 5 live (News) [48kbps]: 3
      909 | BBC Radio 5 live - Not Supported: 5
      92.1 | BBC Radio 3 (Classical) [48kbps]: 0
      92.1 | BBC Radio 3 - Not Supported: 5
      93.3 | RTL Radio (Classic Hits) [128kbps]: 6
      93.3 | RTL Radio - Not Supported: 5
      94.3 | BBC Radio Scotland (Variety) [48kbps]: 4
      94.3 | BBC Radio Scotland - Not Supported: 5
      95.8 | BBC Radio 4 (News) [48kbps]: 2
      95.8 | BBC Radio 4 - Not Supported: 5


      • chr0non

        • Jan 2011
        • 17

        Re: Radio presets

        I don't know if you have had a chance to look at this but I can come up with a possible sequence that would give the same result set as asset.

        If I am interpreting the log correctly, asset is doing a union of several queries (one per format type supported) to the radiotime server and de-duplicating on the name field. The de-duplicating bit is a guess (I can't see that in the log) but if I go through this procedure manually I get exactly the same result set for my presets as asset.

        There may be specific reasons for asset to do a separate query for each format type, but if not, you could consider a single query with the formats parameter as a comma separated list of the supported types. This seems to avoid the duplicate issue completely. Some stations can still come back as unsupported but they should be easy to identify/eliminate (subtext="No compatible stream" or key="unavailable" etc.)



        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Radio presets

          They have to be done individually so the actual format type (back from RadioTime) can be determined, otherwise it is just a url which could be any of the supported formats.


          • chr0non

            • Jan 2011
            • 17

            Re: Radio presets

            I would have expected this to determine the type(s) available :

            <outline type="audio" text="95.8 | BBC Radio 4 (News)" URL=",mp3,ogg&username=x xxxxx&partnerId=xxxxxxxx" bitrate="48" reliability="100" guide_id="s24942" subtext="Woman's Hour" genre_id="g255" [COLOR="red"]formats="wma"[/COLOR] show_id="p657" item="station" image="" current_track="Woman's Hour" now_playing_id="s24942" preset_number="3" preset_id="s24942" is_preset="true" />

            I only suggested this because it appears to be a nice way for asset to do less work and avoid the duplicates issue with unsupported formats. Please just ignore if this is not the case. I have no doubt you can get to the same end result with the current querying approach as well.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Radio presets

              I will look into it. Thanks.


              • chr0non

                • Jan 2011
                • 17

                Re: Radio presets

                Great. I look forward to your solution. The custom tags and browse tree features of Asset are superb. I can create a simple, clean hierarchy for all my music files and browse it easily with a controller. The clutter in the radio presets is a bit of a let down in comparison.

                Actually, since the presets folder is the only radio folder I (and maybe others?) ever use, would it be possible in some future release of Asset to have a custom root folder which goes straight into the presets folder and skips the rest of the Radiotime folder structure?



                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Radio presets

                  Not unless there is a number of people who need this.


                  • chr0non

                    • Jan 2011
                    • 17

                    Re: Radio presets

                    No problem. I thought there could be others who might like the idea of a simple "presets only" internet radio folder as well.

                    If nobody else expresses any interest then I quite understand you won't implement it just for me.


                    • bleekveld

                      • Jul 2011
                      • 1

                      Re: Radio presets

                      I am having the same problem with duplicated station names. Is there a solution for it? Otherwise Asset is a great media server.



                      • Oliviander

                        • Sep 2010
                        • 36

                        Re: Radio presets

                        I have the duplicate radiostation problem too
                        and it is always the same station !
                        thta means I have 4 regular presets and
                        then 4 times the main local radio station (indicated as "Not Supported").

                        And a presets only folder would be very very great !!!



                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44844

                          Re: Radio presets

                          R4 might help the duplicates, it is out in about 4 weeks.


                          • Oliviander

                            • Sep 2010
                            • 36

                            Re: Radio presets

                            Just installed beta 4
                            no more duplicates


                            • chr0non

                              • Jan 2011
                              • 17

                              Re: Radio presets

                              The R4 beta has fixed the duplicate issue for me too - Thank you.

                              All radio stations seem to be forced to mp3 256kbps though. Is it not possible to stream them "as is" unless I choose to transcode that format on the advanced settings page?

