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How to stop silences between tracks

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  • geh333

    • Dec 2010
    • 6

    How to stop silences between tracks

    I’m using the free version of Asset UPnP being accessed over a LAN by a Naim Uniti. I have live concert recordings such as available from the Internet Music Archive. Each track has a separate file, but some tracks segue into each other and the software introduces silence between the tracks, thus annoyingly interrupting the segue. What I am seeking is how to tell the software not to introduce the silence. The Naim I guess doesn't introduce the gaps, so it must be the Asset UPnP. Could it be the PauseStart and PauseEnd settings in the config file - currently 7000 and 4000 respectively? Is changing them easy and sensible?
    Previously asked in the "How Do I" and suggested to move here. Sorry if it's a FAQ.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How to stop silences between tracks

    >The Naim I guess doesn't introduce the gaps

    Technically it is, with UPnP there are gaps between the tracks when one track finishes the player has to ask for the 2nd track after playback has finished.


    • samundsen

      • Apr 2006
      • 14

      Re: How to stop silences between tracks

      I use several different players with Asset. Some support gapless playback and some don't. I do not get gapless playback when streaming from Asset to my Yamaha receiver, but using Foobar2000 with the UPnP plugin, gapless works great streaming from Asset.


      • geh333

        • Dec 2010
        • 6

        Re: How to stop silences between tracks

        Originally posted by Spoon
        >The Naim I guess doesn't introduce the gaps

        Technically it is, with UPnP there are gaps between the tracks when one track finishes the player has to ask for the 2nd track after playback has finished.
        Thanks, Spoon. I should have thiought of that! Presumably that means there's no easy solution with a Uniti :-(


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: How to stop silences between tracks

          Naim will be implementing a work around (work around the limitation of UPnP), once that is done then an updated control point will be able to play gapless off Asset UPnP.

