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Renderer specific transcoding.

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  • AndyU

    • Jun 2010
    • 8

    Renderer specific transcoding.


    OK. So, I go to Advanced Settings, Edit Override Values and I get the settings override screen but then what!

    Specifically I want to
    - transcode from FLAC to WAV for Windows Media Player running on my wifes laptop. (She just likes WMP. Sorry)
    - transcode from FLAC to MP3 for my Panasonic Plasma
    - leave FLAC alone for my own laptop and hifi.

    What magic do I need to type in the Rule Based Profiles?

    Have you a list of magic words?

    How do I identify these various control points?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

    The control points are shown on the right of the rules profile, see the example where for the PS3 it is switched to wave.


    • samundsen

      • Apr 2006
      • 14

      Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

      I'm also looking some more detailed documentation for the override rules. Using the examples I have things very close, except for one detail. I want to resample 24/96 FLAC files to 16/44 for all devices EXCEPT Foobar2000. How do I do that?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

        It is not possible to force certain frequencies based on devices.


        • samundsen

          • Apr 2006
          • 14

          Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

          Ok, good to know. Is that something that you would consider adding to a future version?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

            There is the wish list section of this forum.


            • AndyU

              • Jun 2010
              • 8

              Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

              I'm sorry, but I'm still none the wiser. From my point of view, everything on the Settings Override screen is utterly unintelligible.

              Can you please tell me what to type where to get the results I want.

              Providing a feature with no documentation or help is not really good enough, as it would seem to be utterly useless unless you are the author of the software or gifted with psychic computing powers. I'm neither. I just want to stream FLAC to a tv and WMP.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

                I will add it to the to-do list to document (for r3.1)


                • AndyU

                  • Jun 2010
                  • 8

                  Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

                  Since you haven't documented it yet, or helped me in the slightest, this so-called 'feature' is functionally useless to most users, and I think you should remove it from the claims you make for the product and from it's feature list. It is simply not honest to claim that Asset UPnP has configurable transcoding options when you give no help about configuring them. Instead of your four body-swerving, unhelpful and dismissive posts on this thread, wouldn't it have been less typing to just type the commands I need to know?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

                    It would take about 4 hours to document to the extent where you would be able to type something into that section, without your exact players I cannot hope to tell you what to type.

                    We have a priority list where bugs have to come first.


                    • AndyU

                      • Jun 2010
                      • 8

                      Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

                      If you read my first post you will see I've already told you; I have a Panasonic (Viera) TV, Windows Media Player on a pc and, while I think of it, a Sony Blu-Ray. My hifi takes FLAC directly.

                      You've taken my money for a feature you haven't provided instructions for. Would you like to return it until you can find the four hours to tell me how to use what I have paid for?


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

                        I refer you to the terms and conditions of purchase:

                        All programs have a full trials, before purchasing check the program functions as required, refunds cannot be given after registered program is downloaded.

                        I am sorry if you mistakenly thought that you could purchase Asset (20 odd bucks) and receive 1:1 support configuring it exactly to your specific requirements.

                        It is funny...6 years ago I found a specific bug in Windows, but Microsoft would not even speak to me unless I paid $150 'support fee', even to report a bug...I cannot guess what the charge Microsoft make today for such an ability to speak even for 5 minutes.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44844

                          Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

                          Originally posted by AndyU
                          It is simply not honest to claim that Asset UPnP has configurable transcoding options when you give no help about configuring them.
                          I will give you a little background, I am guessing you are referring to this exact line:

                          Configurable Wave, LPCM or mp3 decoding (no quality loss) for devices which cannot play specific audio types

                          Well this line has been there since Asset v1, and v2, even when the feature you are attributing it to (override settings) did not exist. For v1, v2 and v3 you can configure Wave, LPCM or mp3 decoding on the main page, for example set Flac to 'decode as LPCM', the feature works exactly as advertised (and those features are documented).

                          Even later where the new additions for v3 are mentioned, there is no mention (advertising) of the override settings. I kind of regret even implementing the new feature now, makes me think twice...


                          • samundsen

                            • Apr 2006
                            • 14

                            Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

                            I know I am butting in here, but I am a HAPPY user of the override settings feature! Does it do everything I want? No, but pretty close. Is there documentation? No, but the feature is there, and it works. Could the edit screen be better? Yes it could. There doesn't appear to be any scroll bars if your list is longer, and you cannot copy/paste the renderer name. At least not with the WHS version, I don't know how it is on the regular Windows version. But, Asset 2 couldn't do any of this at all. This was THE feature in Asset 3 for me.

                            AndyU, Asset seems to trancode FLAC to a compatible format for Windows Media Player without having to do anything, at least WMP12/Windows 7.

                            My setup is as follows. I have all file types set to be sent from Asset 'as is'.

                            I have the following set for my Yamaha Receiver, which can do FLAC directly, but does not support WMA:


                            How do I know this is the Yamaha Receiver? The list of renderers in the top right part of the screen lists all known renderers on your network.

                            I also have a Sony S370 Blu-ray player, and the default seems to work fine, it gets transcoded to LPCM.

                            If you want to make additional adjustments to your WMP12 streaming, there's already a section for it:


                            You could probably add Force/NoForce to this as needed, but again, FLAC seems to be transcoded fine out-of-the-box.

                            That's all there is to it! Start with

                            Then add transcode rules for each file type like


                            I don't know if you can pick ANY substring from the renderer name and have it recognized, but looking at the samples and comparing to the current list, it seems that you can, I just haven't experimented enough with that.


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44844

                              Re: Renderer specific transcoding.

                              >ANY substring from the renderer name and have it recognized

                              You can.

