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Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

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  • Helheimr

    • Dec 2010
    • 7

    Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311


    I just purchased Asset UPNP to replace my Tversity media server for FLAC streaming to an Denon AVR 4311 receiver and so far the experience has been great. It is clear Asset has been designed with audio-only in mind.

    My only major problem so far is that when streaming FLAC (16 bits in this case) tot the 4311 Asset will not allow Pause/Resume. The same file, also streaming FLAC to the 4311 with Tversity can Pause/Resume without a problem.

    Is there some setting or similar I must change?

    I have debug log-files if useful.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

    Are you able to find which identification string is given out for each flac file, Asset uses:


    The denon possibly needs some DLNA stuff on the end to allow seeking, but these entries might stop other players from playing flac...


    • Helheimr

      • Dec 2010
      • 7

      Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

      Thanks for you quick reply.

      I'm not sure if this is what you need, but from the log file is found this:


      Content Range: -1 to -1

      Serving File as is: d:\Shares\Music\FLAC\2 Unlimited - Hits Unlimited\(01)-Do What's Good For Me-2 Unlimited-1995.flac

      Serve Entity Set to: audio/x-flac


      Also from the Denon GUI it tells me it is playing a FLAC file (not PCM).

      Also note that I'm not trying to "seek" in the file, just pause the playback and then resume again.

      I have also tried to force the FLAC files to LPCM but that does not change the behavior.

      It seem that when the Denon sends the "pause command" Asset just keeps on streaming, whereas Tversity seems to pick it up OK. Could I glean anything useful from the Tversity settings? I know in Tveristy the Denon is treated as an "SLA 5500/20" device.(?)
      Last edited by Helheimr; December 30, 2010, 10:04 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

        The Denon would not send a pause command, as files are served as a HTTP GET, so the denon simply stops requesting data for a while.

        In TVersity you would need to know the exact audio type it supplies for FLAC to the denon.


        • Helheimr

          • Dec 2010
          • 7

          Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

          I have checked out the settings on Tversity.

          My FLAC folder I have set as "Never transcode". On the Denon it is also clear that it is decoding FLAC files. What audio "type" however is not clear. Therefore I have tried to add the FLAC support of the Denon in the device profile of the Denon (supported mime-type).

          When specifying audio/flac the Denon refuses to play FLAC files. However, when specifying audio/x-flac it plays them nicely again.

          But, now, the curious thing! With the x-flac setting the Denon does also NOT pause/play files from Tversity! (Same as Asset). But with the the "Never transcode" setting it does.....

          well, I'm confused, hope it means more to someone else?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

            Can you ask Denon?


            • Helheimr

              • Dec 2010
              • 7

              Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

              OK - sure, I will give it a shot, but my bet is they'll not be as responsive as you!


              • Brett

                • Jan 2011
                • 3

                Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

                Not that this is much help, but I can confirm that this is also an issue streaming files via Asset v3 to a Denon AVR-3808CI. Play Pause works with Twonky and whatever server the Olive 4 HD uses.


                • Helheimr

                  • Dec 2010
                  • 7

                  Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

                  I finally got something back from Denon. Basically they say it should work, and with Tversity it does (and apparently also Twonky and Olive 4)...At Denon they had no technical details/knowledge on any particular part of the DLNA stuff, not very surprising I guess...So, not much help there.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

                    I have a avr3311 so will have a play when work resumes on asset v3.1


                    • Brett

                      • Jan 2011
                      • 3

                      Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      I have a avr3311 so will have a play when work resumes on asset v3.1
                      I currently have an Olive 4, but I'm thinking of selling it and using a program like Asset to stream files from one of the PCs on my network to my Denon, and replacing the Olive 4 with perhaps a Cambridge Audio NP30 to stream to my high(er) end system in another part of the house.

                      I really prefer Asset over Twonky, but not being able to pause is a bit of a deal killer for me since I use my Denon to stream quite often. Any rough estimate as to when work on Asset will resume?



                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

                        Difficult to say, we are writing R14.1 (music Converter) right now, when that is done Asset 3.1 will be done.


                        • fix

                          • Feb 2011
                          • 2

                          Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

                          I have the same problem with my Marantz NA7004. "Pause" command is not working with Asset UPnP - XP Release 3.


                          • Helheimr

                            • Dec 2010
                            • 7

                            Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

                            Good to hear you will check it out Spoon! No deal killer for me - I rarely pause anyway (only when the phone rings...)


                            • IrishPub

                              • Aug 2007
                              • 24

                              Re: Play/Pause not working with Denon AVR4311

                              Somewhat off topic, but since you guys are discussing FLAC file playback with the Denon AVR4311, I have a related question that you can probably answer: Does the Denon display album art from the FLAC files via its video output? In other words, can you see the artwork on the TV?

