Hi All,
Im new to this and have no computer skills, just a love for music. I have a Linn Ds system using kinsky desktop and pda as control points. I upgraded a few days ago to asset V 3.0 and created my first playlist on kinsky looking foward to it being a permenant benefit, as previously my playlists wouldnt recall if my router got switched on and off, the playlist would load with no artwork and wouldnt play. Linn assured me that this was addressed in V3.0 of asset. My server has a fixed ip address and is a Tranquil ava rs3 2tb media server. Unfortunately i spent hours on a playlist after the upgrade and all went well until I forgot to exit out of kinsky and my computer went into sleep mode so I restarted it and IT choose a new ip address, I loaded my kinsky and selected my playlist from earlier which it loaded and started to play, but without artwork, really strange and annoying. If I added a new song to the playlist the artwork for that choice appeared. Can you help please as Linn suggested that I post here and let you know. Also when I load an album to play an kinsky it loads it 3 times ie 1-10, 1-10, 1-10 and plays every one of them. However if I load one song at a time only one song gets added. I do not have 3 versions of the albums loaded on my server. I dont know if this is a Linn problem or if it has some connection with V 3.0:blush: Thankyou in advance for any help you can give me.
Im new to this and have no computer skills, just a love for music. I have a Linn Ds system using kinsky desktop and pda as control points. I upgraded a few days ago to asset V 3.0 and created my first playlist on kinsky looking foward to it being a permenant benefit, as previously my playlists wouldnt recall if my router got switched on and off, the playlist would load with no artwork and wouldnt play. Linn assured me that this was addressed in V3.0 of asset. My server has a fixed ip address and is a Tranquil ava rs3 2tb media server. Unfortunately i spent hours on a playlist after the upgrade and all went well until I forgot to exit out of kinsky and my computer went into sleep mode so I restarted it and IT choose a new ip address, I loaded my kinsky and selected my playlist from earlier which it loaded and started to play, but without artwork, really strange and annoying. If I added a new song to the playlist the artwork for that choice appeared. Can you help please as Linn suggested that I post here and let you know. Also when I load an album to play an kinsky it loads it 3 times ie 1-10, 1-10, 1-10 and plays every one of them. However if I load one song at a time only one song gets added. I do not have 3 versions of the albums loaded on my server. I dont know if this is a Linn problem or if it has some connection with V 3.0:blush: Thankyou in advance for any help you can give me.