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Asset UPnP V3 on PS3 or Sony BDP-S370

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  • yourfatfat

    • Oct 2010
    • 5

    Asset UPnP V3 on PS3 or Sony BDP-S370

    I just downloaded V3. Seems to work pretty darn good but the one thing it's not doing for me is browsing by (folders). I'm currently using WMP 12 and I only browse my music by folder only. I like to see the artist, then pick the album, and then the song.

    For some reason when I setup the browse by file/folder name and then go to either my PS3 or my Sony BDP-S370 it never shows the artist. It always shows file corrupt or not supported. Any help on this would be appreciated.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset UPnP V3 on PS3 or Sony BDP-S370

    You are browsing on the PS3 by selecting:

    Advanced Search >> Folder & Filename Browsing?


    • yourfatfat

      • Oct 2010
      • 5

      Re: Asset UPnP V3 on PS3 or Sony BDP-S370

      I have used that option, but I've also added the browse by file/folder in the edit options. I added that as a container at the top, above the artist/album, and then tried to access it on my PS3 and it shows data corrupt. I have no issues at all when using WMP 12 and browsing by folder. Am I doing something wrong here?

      When I browse by artist/album it works but it shows not just the artist but the other people who composed etc etc. I just like to browse by folder because it matches up exactly to how it's structured on my server. All my music on my server is in alphabetical order by artist, then by album, and then by track number.


      • yourfatfat

        • Oct 2010
        • 5

        Re: Asset UPnP V3 on PS3 or Sony BDP-S370

        My best guess is that somehow my server running WIN7 using WMP 12 is conflicting with Asset UPnP by not letting me access browse by file/folder. For the hell of it I tried it on my old Vista laptop and it works just fine. On the laptop I just deleted all the containers and just left browse by file/folder and it works like a champ. Thoughts? Do you think I need to tell WMP 12 to stop sharing/monitoring my music folder?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Asset UPnP V3 on PS3 or Sony BDP-S370

          If you are selecting Asset then WMP12 (even acting as a upnp server) would not effect asset.


          • yourfatfat

            • Oct 2010
            • 5

            Re: Asset UPnP V3 on PS3 or Sony BDP-S370

            Ok, I see what your saying. But my question is why would it work just fine on my laptop and not on my server?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Asset UPnP V3 on PS3 or Sony BDP-S370

              Anti virus software?


              • yourfatfat

                • Oct 2010
                • 5

                Re: Asset UPnP V3 on PS3 or Sony BDP-S370

                AVG 2011 on all computers.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Asset UPnP V3 on PS3 or Sony BDP-S370

                  Try disabling it see if it makes a difference.

