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Newbie Help

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  • adydula

    • Oct 2009
    • 32

    Newbie Help

    I just bought Asset UPnP and have loaded on a laptop.
    I have FLAC files in a directory on it.
    I have an ethernet cable from the laptop to a Oppo BD83SE cd player.

    I dont have a Windows Home Server.

    What do I need to have running on the laptop to be able to stream the FLAC files to the Oppo and to my stereo?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44853

    Re: Newbie Help

    Only Asset UPnP, you should check out the Beta v3 of Asset (beta section of this forum) as it has improved compatibilty with 83SE (I have one also).


    • adydula

      • Oct 2009
      • 32

      Re: Newbie Help

      Cool, I checked the win 7 firewall and added asset to it. I now see the Asser UpnP"ACER-PC in the Oppo's Home directory menu under network.

      I have 413 albums and was wondering if this has any performance impact in selecting or scrolling from the oppo's interface. So far it seems to work fairly well. Sounds good too. Any comments on the impact of the transcoding to PCM ?

      I was going to buy an external dac but now that asset is working and i have the SE version of the BD 83 I can enjoy the dacs in the Oppo' se section now!

      So cool...I now need to figure out how to get the artwork and the title, artist up on the oppo screen from asset.

      This is a great little piece of code Spoon!! Worth the $26 for sure!



      • adydula

        • Oct 2009
        • 32

        Re: Newbie Help

        Spoon, just uninstalled and installed the ver 3 beta, i noticed with 5000 tracks it took several minutes to scan the flacs on the local laptop, this maybe why i was having issues earlier not seeing stuff etc..

        We will give the 3 BETA a go and see how it works.


        • adydula

          • Oct 2009
          • 32

          Re: Newbie Help

          A poster on avsforums told me that the cover art etc doesnt flow when trancoding FLACS....this maybe why I only see the track and artist, album or art etc...

          If this is the case can this be made 'better'...sure woould add some polish here.

          I tried the asset control point code and it sees the cover or album art, but you cant play flacs from it...all red circles.

          That said with your asset UPnP code I have sold my Sqeezebox Touch!

          The File Folder search is AWESOME.



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44853

            Re: Newbie Help

            The transcoding happens later in UPnP, the 83SE should not use the embedded art rather the one the UPnP server is offering.


            • adydula

              • Oct 2009
              • 32

              Re: Newbie Help

              This has probably been asked before, but let me ask it again.
              The reason I choose FLAC for my ripping is lossless the FLACS played back sound a good as the originals on the CD.

              So the question is does the transcoding from FLAC to LPCM do anything to negatively detract from the sound?

              We have a CD to FLAC with your dbpoweramp ripper and now asset doinf the FLAC back to LPCM.



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44853

                Re: Newbie Help

                > the transcoding from FLAC to LPCM do anything to negatively detract from the sound?

                Nothing negative, the Oppo is receiving the same stream as was ripped.


                • Treyster

                  • Sep 2010
                  • 8

                  Re: Newbie Help

                  Hello Adydula. Working on ripping my CDs to FLAC using dbPoweramp so I can stream them to my Song Towers. I bought an Onkyo TX-NR1007 and it works great with wavs and mp3s through my Windows 7 desktop. Still trying to get it to play flac files. I guess I can also experiment with my Oppo even though it lacks the higher quality analog of the SE version. Hope you are well.


                  • adydula

                    • Oct 2009
                    • 32

                    Re: Newbie Help

                    Hello Trey,

                    Great on the new Onkyo...I have been playing FLACS for a week on and off now and it sounds just like the originals.

                    Waiting for my right ear to clear up still 'drying' out from the oil and its still down in amplitude from the left ear.

                    All the best


                    • Treyster

                      • Sep 2010
                      • 8

                      Re: Newbie Help

                      Hope your ear issues are cleared up soon.


                      • adydula

                        • Oct 2009
                        • 32

                        Re: Newbie Help

                        Thanks Trey, its still leaking the Baby Oil and is still clogged!! Hoping in a few more days it will be ok!!


                        Been using headphones and they dont sound too too bad, but I really miss the SongTowers!!



                        • jmanalo

                          • Oct 2010
                          • 3

                          Re: Newbie Help

                          Help please....

                          I downloaded the Asset v3 in my Laptop (windows xp) then connected it to the Oppo83 SE via USB, but looks like the Oppo did not recognize it. What am I missing?
                          I've read that I only need to download Asset v3, is there some settings that I need to perform?




                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44853

                            Re: Newbie Help

                            The Oppo should connect by the network cable to your router, which then connects to the PC.


                            • jmanalo

                              • Oct 2010
                              • 3

                              Re: Newbie Help

                              Thanks Spoon,

                              I made it to communicate the Oppo to Laptop, by using ethernet cable instead of USB cable then I plugged in the USB thumb drive to OPPO.
                              The main menu came up on TV screen but when I selected a couple of tracks to play, there is NO sound. Are there some other steps before I press play?


