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Assett 2.1 with Philips Streamium WAC7000

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  • j.i.wilson

    • Apr 2010
    • 4

    Assett 2.1 with Philips Streamium WAC7000


    First of all - great product and great support. I specifically picked Assett for streaming because of the support I see on this Forum. Keep it up.

    Browsed the forum for hours but cannot find an answer to my problem. Forgive me if it's in here somewhere.

    I have a Philips Streamium WAC7000 (which recognises WMA or MP3 only) on which I want to play Internet Radio. I have Assett UPnP 2.1. I have set the RadioTime user name and created Presets in RadioTime. I have set "force" to MP3. I have also tried (it seems) every conceivable combination of settings.

    I can see the stream on the Philips and drill down to the radio stations. However when I select a station I get silence. I also get the Philips jumping from stream to stream apparently randomly.

    Another (less serious) problem is that the stations appear in frequency order. Is this a function of Assett or RadioTime? Is it posisble to change this?

    Thanks in anticipation.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Assett 2.1 with Philips Streamium WAC7000

    Does the streamium play normal tracks served by asset correctly?


    • j.i.wilson

      • Apr 2010
      • 4

      Re: Assett 2.1 with Philips Streamium WAC7000

      Thanks for the quick reply.

      Yes - tracks from the music collection are played OK.


      Because the Philips has a built in 80Gb hard disk my intention is (was?) to use Assett for iRadio streaming only. However to answer your question I have pointed it towards a subset of my music on the PC hard disk - and, as mentioned above, it plays OK.

      When (if?) we get the Internet Radio working my intention would be to remove all other music from the browse list and only leave IR. That way selection on the Philips is slightly quicker (ie less to choose from).

      Look forward to your suggestion to fix the IR.

      Thanks again

      Ian Wilson


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Assett 2.1 with Philips Streamium WAC7000

        I have added to the todo list for R3 of Asset to test internet radio with the streamium


        • j.i.wilson

          • Apr 2010
          • 4

          Re: Assett 2.1 with Philips Streamium WAC7000

          Thanks Spoon

          I am more than willing to test any Beta you may develop.

          Meanwhile - no iRadio.....:cry:

          Cheers for now



          • j.i.wilson

            • Apr 2010
            • 4

            Re: Assett 2.1 with Philips Streamium WAC7000

            Oh - forgot

            Any idea when v3 may be ready for beta?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Assett 2.1 with Philips Streamium WAC7000

              v3 is a bit of a mess right now, you cannot even browse a library (it has a new database design). v3 is being developed 100% right now.

