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Folders NO longer open on Oppo BD-83

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  • Mactavish

    • Apr 2010
    • 19

    Folders NO longer open on Oppo BD-83

    Using Asset UPnP 2.1, on a MacPro, OS - Snow Leopard, installed and running under "Crossover 9.0". I'm hardwire networked to my Oppo BD-83 BlueRay deck with it's new DLNA support.

    The "network" interface screen shows the folders, but when I click on them, nothing happens. In my first test, I scanned a much smaller music folder to test, and everything worked. Then I reset the folder to a much larger music filled hard drive. Took a few hours to scan my music on a separate hard drive. Library has over 40,000 tracks, and over 3000 Albums.

    Does anyone know what, if any limitations there are for how many "tracks" one can have in Asset? Could too large a music folder be the cause of folders NO longer opening?

    Perhaps it is the Oppo that has a "limitation" on how many music files it can deal with, I have not been able to find that out yet.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Folders NO longer open on Oppo BD-83

    You would have to try Asset v3 from the beta section which fixes this issue.


    • Mactavish

      • Apr 2010
      • 19

      Re: Folders NO longer open on Oppo BD-83

      Originally posted by Spoon
      You would have to try Asset v3 from the beta section which fixes this issue.
      Okay, so then there is a limit. I'll try the beta for Crossover on the Mac, are there any instructions here on how to delete the 2.1 "trial" version I have installed now? Or is this even necessary. I'm a Apple Mac person, and can navigate windows, but "Crossover", is very limited in it's user interface.

      For example, to simply run the Initial Config screen (advanced screen appears by running "AssetConfig.exe") but you need access to the previous screen at times, I had to figure this out with much effort here: IN CROSSOVER, CLICK ON THE PROGRAMS MENU - RUN COMMAND, PASTE: AssetConfig.exe --normalwin

      I realize this app was mainly developed for the Windows platform, but it is so far the only one that has been able to transcode FLAC files to LPCM, and work with my Oppo. It is however very under documented for Mac users trying it out.



      • Mactavish

        • Apr 2010
        • 19

        Re: Folders NO longer open on Oppo BD-83

        I received some advice on the AVS forum:

        "in Asset Configuration >> Advanced Edit under the browse tree click the restore default button and change to hand held controller."

        THANKS! It works, I can access folders again.

        While working now, only odd thing (Oppo's screen), is when I click on the UP ARROW to go one directory back, NO matter where I am, the window returns to the Oppo "Network" screen, this was not the case previously, where you were taken one place back in the folder structure. Better then NOT having any folders open. Not sure what "broke" when I went to "hand held controller", as I'm not sure what it evens means?


        • Mactavish

          • Apr 2010
          • 19

          Re: Folders NO longer open on Oppo BD-83

          Originally posted by Mactavish
          I received some advice on the AVS forum:

          "in Asset Configuration >> Advanced Edit under the browse tree click the restore default button and change to hand held controller."

          THANKS! It works, I can access folders again.

          While working now, only odd thing (Oppo's screen), is when I click on the UP ARROW to go one directory back, NO matter where I am, the window returns to the Oppo "Network" screen, this was not the case previously, where you were taken one place back in the folder structure. Better then NOT having any folders open. Not sure what "broke" when I went to "hand held controller", as I'm not sure what it evens means?
          I believe I spoke too soon, some folders open, but ones like "ALL TITLES" and "ALL ARTISTS", do NOT. I assume these are the ones that contain too many files, and go over whatever the limit is in Asset 2.1.

          The "back arrow" is working again, I think Asset was rescanning the entire hard drive at the time when it was not working.


          • Mactavish

            • Apr 2010
            • 19

            Re: Folders NO longer open on Oppo BD-83

            More findings, as testing continues.

            Just discovered my Onyko 906 AVR has DLNA built-in, and it supports WAV, the Oppo BD-83 only LPCM. But in my case, I'm going to only use the Onkyo, it does AAC, MP3, and forces FLAC to WAV, which should be "lossless" anyways.

            Reason to abandon anymore tests with the Oppo, is under Asset 2.1, both folders, ARTIST, and TITLE folders will NOT open, some other folders do, but those two are perhaps too large for the Oppo to "understand", while under the Onkyo, those folders open instantly. Granted the Oppo DNLA support is considered Beta at this point, and Asset 3.x is beta, and I don't think I'll be beta testing that until it's "final".

            So at this point I believe the folders that do not open are not due to Asset, but due to the unrefined DLNA support on the Oppo.

