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shorten (.shn) support?

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: shorten (.shn) support?

    Installing the registered version would work, because the version number is higher.


    • jeromejohn

      • Feb 2010
      • 16

      Re: shorten (.shn) support?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Installing the registered version would work, because the version number is higher.
      This didnt work. It still shows "xx.xx" and the version as "trial" telling me to register (except Ive spent $30 now).

      Please Spoon, someone has to know what the .msi programs does (where it installs files) to have this residual in the WHS system prventing me from reinstalling.

      Again, I will give someone at illustarate remote access to my console if necessary ... Alternatively I would like to call someone who can troubleshoot with me (can you PM me a number?) ... I hope i dont need to back up my data and then reinstall WHS from scratch because of this issue with Asset, but im even willing to do that (assuming it wont ruin my new server or my data) I really want to get this product to work!


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: shorten (.shn) support?

        Install the Asset XP registered install (leave the current install in its non working state), this is the part which is missing (the WHS msi calls the XP install, for what ever reason, perhaps security software? this is being blocked), so copy the .exe to the WHS machine and run it from remote desktop.


        • jeromejohn

          • Feb 2010
          • 16

          Re: shorten (.shn) support?

          Originally posted by Spoon
          Install the Asset XP registered install (leave the current install in its non working state), this is the part which is missing (the WHS msi calls the XP install, for what ever reason, perhaps security software? this is being blocked), so copy the .exe to the WHS machine and run it from remote desktop.
          This didnt work (yet), but I am hopeful Its because i might have done something wrong along the way ... I would now like to manual reinstall everything (from add/remove programs), then (1) reinstall the registered .msi - should I do this within the WHS console or from remote desktop? and (2) install the xp .exe from remote desktop.

          One big question, in remote desktop, what should be the installation path on the C: drive (when the programs ask me)? C:\program files ?

          Also, when I install the xp version should I choose to run the program from my local account or as a service?



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            Re: shorten (.shn) support?

            The install path should be:

            C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp

            If this path has been changed for any install then you will have bits in one place and bits in another, it should never be changed (infact you cannot when installing the msi).

            You would run Asset as the Service account.


            • jeromejohn

              • Feb 2010
              • 16

              Re: shorten (.shn) support?

              Thanks Spoon!, with your help I got Asset to work again, it shows .shn files in the advanced settings and has even played them a few times. However, 9 times out of 10 it freezes up the program or my oppo and I need to restart Asset (Asset usually shuts down on its own after freezing up trying to transcode shn files, and/or I manually have to restart it).

              I think I have some idea what the problem is; since I have an oppo bpd 83, wav is not one of the accepted file types for dlna streaming (lpcm is). Flacs transcode perfectly to lpcm every time (except 5.1 encodes, which play jittery/unlstenable), which makes me think its easier to decode flac to lpcm than shn to lpcm. I know shn was designed to encode/decode from and to wav, so is it possible a tweak would improve this issue if, for instance: Asset transcoded shn > wave > lpcm for streaming. Alternativley, is there anything that could be done to improve the shn to lpcm transcoding?

              It will literally change my life to be able to stream my native shn files (500+GBs) to my oppo through Asset.

              Thanks again for all your help these past few days.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44840

                Re: shorten (.shn) support?

                It should not make a difference to asset if they are shn or flac.

