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How do I configure the browse tree for Albums (not Albums by Artist) only?

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  • telstar29

    • Jan 2010
    • 3

    How do I configure the browse tree for Albums (not Albums by Artist) only?

    Ok, so I'm an Asset UPnP Server newbie but I've been streaming FLAC files to my 3 Roku Soundbridges using Firefly Media Server for sometime so like to think I've got some sort of a handle on music streaming.

    However, I'm not getting very far with configuring Asset the way I want it to work. The standard browse tree doesn't seem to offer straightforward Album sorting unless the Album is by a single Artist. If it's a compilation album, there are as many instances of the Album as there are Artists on the Album listed as follows:

    AlbumName1 [Artist1]
    AlbumName1 [Artist2]
    AlbumName1 [Artist3]

    So I end up with load of single Artist Albums with only one or two songs on each :(.

    How do I configure browse tree to ignore filtering Albums by the Artist and just give me Album titles on their own?

    Please help!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How do I configure the browse tree for Albums (not Albums by Artist) only?

    Your files are potentially tagged wrong, for it sounds like the compilation tag is missing.

    For various artist cds there should be a 'compilation' tag set to 1


    • telstar29

      • Jan 2010
      • 3

      Re: How do I configure the browse tree for Albums (not Albums by Artist) only?

      Thanks, Spoon. I've looked high and low for how to set the the "compilation" tag in my tag editor - Mp3tag (v2.45a) - but no joy. Any suggestions? Am I missing something? Does Mp3tag use a different tag name (although I can't see any other tag name which looks as though it could be the same thing)?

      Thanks for your help!


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: How do I configure the browse tree for Albums (not Albums by Artist) only?

        Originally posted by telstar29
        Thanks, Spoon. I've looked high and low for how to set the the "compilation" tag in my tag editor - Mp3tag (v2.45a) - but no joy. Any suggestions? Am I missing something? Does Mp3tag use a different tag name (although I can't see any other tag name which looks as though it could be the same thing)?

        Thanks for your help!
        1. Load up all the files that should be compilations in your active mp3tag window.
        2. right click and select EXTENDED TAGS
        3. You now see the tag fields that exist in a popup. Select the little star icon which is "add field".
        4. In the field area, enter COMPILATION (there is a drop down menu, but if it is not there simply type it in.
        5. then in VALUE enter a "1" without the quotes
        6. Then hit OK, OK, until mp3tag then saves the file.

        You now have a tag with COMPILATION=1.

        This is all you need for FLAC files. For mp3 files, you should repeat and add the tag ITUNESCOMPILATION with a value of 1.

        So for mp3 you will end up with ITUNESCOMPILATION and COMPILATION with a 1 value. This is because some players use the itunes standard (itunes, squeezeboxes, etc.) and others use a different standard (foobar). It doesn't hurt to have both tags in the same file.


        • telstar29

          • Jan 2010
          • 3

          Re: How do I configure the browse tree for Albums (not Albums by Artist) only?

          Thanks, garym. Just the ticket! Looks as though it's all sorted now. :smile2:

