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Asset 2 and Sonos

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  • President

    • Apr 2009
    • 9

    Asset 2 and Sonos

    Spoon, two questions regarding Asset and Sonos:

    1 - Album art - In browser windue when pointing to a song the pop-up window shows album art, but if I add the song to the queue, when playing the album art does not show in the "now playing" window???

    2 - Adding album to queu - Asset is now working perfectly on WHS. I know You said adding a whole album to Sonos queue is now up to Sonos, but I would be thrilled if You could report that Sonos is now cooperating and it is in the pipeline....?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset 2 and Sonos

    1 & 2 require help from sonos, we have no current or future collaboration with sonos.


    • crichardso

      • Mar 2009
      • 6

      Re: Asset 2 and Sonos

      hey spoon i just happened to notice that some work on xbmc includes some sonos stuff i dont know if it will be helpful or anything but i figured i would pass it on


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Asset 2 and Sonos

        The cr200 controller seems to be specifically 'locked' to Windows Media Player, which is a significant step backwards from the earlier is not part of the UPnP specification (such as different ID Tags), which is ashame because with very little work Sonos could make their gear upnp compatible.


        • Mike Harris

          • Jan 2009
          • 13

          Re: Asset 2 and Sonos

          Funny thing was that I was playing with my CR200 earlier and found this. This is very disappointing indeed and seems a real step backwards from Sonos.



          • JFP

            • Jan 2009
            • 13

            Re: Asset 2 and Sonos

            Dear Spoon,
            I had a try at Simplify Media with Sonos.
            It is a lot more basic than Asset UpNp and I definitely
            want to keep using Asset so that I can use my very large
            music collection with Sonos (beyond their pitiful so called
            65000 tracks limit, in fact around 35000..).
            Simplify Media somehow emulates Windows Media Player..
            and it allows to select "all tracks" from a CD and I can also
            see the covers in Sonos (for jpeg files under 20k only)
            I understand it is a different "protocol" than Rhapsody
            but maybe it could lead you to find the trick to apply
            the same features in Asset UPNp ?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Asset 2 and Sonos

              It is about intentions, the team behind sonos have made it clear they do not want this outside support (successive releases support less and less compatibility), we will not 'bend over backwards' for such a company with a closed mentality.


              • Mike Harris

                • Jan 2009
                • 13

                Re: Asset 2 and Sonos

                JFP if you look on the unsupported area of the Sonos forums you will find that Henkelis has written a PHP server that makes Asset (and other UPnP servers) appear as a WMP server. I can vouch that this works as I am helping out with some testing. Pop over and have a look, you lose some of the Asset flexability and tree structures but it does work and you can add an album at a time.

                I hope this helps you out a bit.



                • JFP

                  • Jan 2009
                  • 13

                  Re: Asset 2 and Sonos

                  Thanks Mike for your advice,
                  I will look into it as soon as I can figure out how to get it
                  and install this Python Linux Controller..
                  I guess I should contact the guy, and also as the name says
                  it seems to require Linux, so one my pcs in the Lan, running Ubuntu
                  would be fine ? the others use Vista & Windows 7


                  • Mike Harris

                    • Jan 2009
                    • 13

                    Re: Asset 2 and Sonos


                    Sorry but I have been away for the last week or so.
                    It works well on Windows and Linux when you have the instructions and prerequisites set up.



                    • jteuwen

                      • Sep 2010
                      • 1

                      Re: Asset 2 and Sonos

                      Seems that my 2 CR100's both display the Asset 2.1 UPnP linked music folder, which is not the case with my CR200.
                      Does someone know about another solution to overcome the Sonos 65,000 track limit and which works wit the CR200?

