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[A to Z] on Xbox 360

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  • dbachen

    • Sep 2009
    • 1

    [A to Z] on Xbox 360

    I'm trying to find a better way to browse music on my xbox 360. So when I heard about Asset I decided to give it a try. I'm using WHS.

    My problem is that the A to Z listing doesn't work. It shows up, but if you click on it, it doesn't drill down.

    If I mess with the tree settings and make artist be 'no container', I can get the list to instead show each of the A.. B.. C.. etc lettters in turn, but none of them drill down to the next listing either.

    Is this a limitation of the the 360, or have others gotten this to work?

    I'm using the beta release candidate 2 from 9/9
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: [A to Z] on Xbox 360

    The xbox expects tracks at a certain level, so the [a to z] does not work

