I recently switched from Twonky to Asset UPnP and have been really impressed by the flexibility it offers me. However, I am experiencing problems. At times my PC runs very slowly - for example, I can wait several seconds between typing a word and seeing it appear on screen - and I have experienced songs dropping out for several seconds on my Linn Sneaky DS before resuming playback. I suspect the problems may be linked as I found that my PC had virtually locked up today immediately after experiencing drop outs.
I am running Asset as a service on my Windows XP PC with my music stored on a second hard disk on the PC. Playback is via the Sneaky using Kinsky Desktop and/or PlugPlayer.
I am running Asset as a service on my Windows XP PC with my music stored on a second hard disk on the PC. Playback is via the Sneaky using Kinsky Desktop and/or PlugPlayer.