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Asset UPnP install problem on WHS

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  • Pianonut

    • Apr 2009
    • 9

    Asset UPnP install problem on WHS

    Struggling to get Asset installed on my new, almost clean WHS.

    Part way through the install I get a new pane appearing, called 'Installation' with the following error message:

    Error whilst running 'C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\dBconfig.exe'

    (Click OK)

    The installation then appears to complete, is visible as an Add-In and the various settingsadvance settings controls are available and appear to respond.

    Just that Asset doesn't begin to build the library nor is visible to other devices/media players.

    Can anyone help here?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Asset UPnP install problem on WHS

    That error message is ok, not a problem (just a small oversite).

    What is your WHS system?

    There is an issue with Asset v1.1 in that if you log off then asset exits, R2 (in the beta section of this forum), does not have this issue.


    • Pianonut

      • Apr 2009
      • 9

      Re: Asset UPnP install problem on WHS

      Thanks - all appears to be working OK now.

      Bit new at this so when I said it wasn't working after install it was because I couldn't see the Asset server in iTunes - now realise that won't happen because Asset doesn't support DPAAD (?) whereas Firefly (what I was using before) does.

      Restarted the Soundbridge (Pinnacle version) and can now see and play .flac's from Asset.

      WHS is home made from spare hardware.

      Was recommended to look at dBpoweramp etc. by the guys at Linn - all good so far!


      • Pianonut

        • Apr 2009
        • 9

        Re: Asset UPnP install problem on WHS

        Doh! ...that's DAAP

