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Problems after resuming from hibernation

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  • Ratty

    • Jan 2009
    • 14

    Problems after resuming from hibernation

    My machine which runs Asset (XP SP3) is generally hibernated overnight. It seems that after a reasonable period of hibernation - say 1+ hrs - Asset doesn't want to function once the machine resumes. Its ports are still listening, it's still context-switching, but it fails to show up in Sonos until the service has been manually restarted. Hibernating for a brief period doesn't trigger this problem.

    If it's an intractable issue a simple workaround would be to have the Asset service automatically restart itself on machine wake-up.

    EDIT: Is there a command line switch for AssetConfig.exe to exit the child processes and restart the service without going through the GUI?
    Last edited by Ratty; April 07, 2009, 10:38 PM.
  • Ratty

    • Jan 2009
    • 14

    Re: Problems after resuming from hibernation

    Originally posted by Ratty
    Is there a command line switch for AssetConfig.exe to exit the child processes and restart the service without going through the GUI?
    Ah. I see that NET STOP terminates it gracefully. :o


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44843

      Re: Problems after resuming from hibernation

      Try the Beta 2 version (in the beta section of the forum).

