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Browsing multiple styles not possible // double server entries

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  • dvdr
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2008
    • 235

    Browsing multiple styles not possible // double server entries

    two questions:
    As far as I understood it from the configuration of Assset UPnP, the style-tag is allowing multiple styles. I assumed, browsing "style" would display all styles available. If a song is tagged with multiple styles, I thought, it also would show up multiple times under those different styles.
    But when browsing "Style" (both Release 1 and R2Beta), I only get a display for the first style stored in the files' tag, I cannot find it under the other styles (these styles are not displayed in the browse-tree). When opening the .bin-file with windows-editor, I can see, that they are indexed (couldn't do a dump to excel to look at it properly, like it was possible before, any way to do that??)

    The formate of the style tag (as seen in "edit tag") seems to be right:
    style1; style2; style3
    Installation of Asset UPnP from scratch, everything deinstalled and deleted before the update.
    So: is this a bug or just "not a feature"?

    Second thing: when using Asset UPnP Release 1, I do get double server entries (LinnGui, Plugplayer, Songbook). I am running it as a service on Windows XP

    Thanks for helping!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Browsing multiple styles not possible // double server entries

    Please email me your database:

    Open regedit:


    DefaultUserPath is the location of the database (uMediaLibraryMainDB.bin)

    email -


    • bitwan

      • May 2009
      • 2

      Re: Browsing multiple styles not possible // double server entries

      Hi all

      First of all, congratulations for this great program. I am evaluating several UPnP servers for the last 2 weeks (tversity, twonky,etc.), and Asset is rank #1, by now

      Having said that, I am having this same problem with multiple genres (genre1;genre2;genre3). When browsing "Genre" (both R1 and R2Beta), I only get the first genre stored in the files' tag; the other styles are not even displayed in the browse-tree. When opening the db file, they seem to be well indexed.

      On the other hand, multiple artists and composers behave correctly, as far as I have tested.


