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dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3


    <released on registration retrieval>

    Power Pack users: install over the top of existing registered power pack version.
    Reference users: install over the top of reference version, will remain Reference until November after which the full release should have been long released.


    CD Ripper - compilation tag (also used in naming) taken from compilation check, not by checking for differing artists
    CD Ripper - when create a new profile offers to use the current one as template
    CD Ripper - compilation, conductor & style tags created by default
    CD Ripper - all meta data items are shown in meta section, excluded (for id tags) are shown in light gray
    CD Ripper - all meta data items list shows [x] instead of [Remove]
    CD Ripper - if the option to disable autoplay is enabled, then every second the status of the cd drive is polled, to autorefresh when cd is inserted, auto press eject button when cd draw is open, also stops windows autoplaying the cd when closing cd ripper
    CD Ripper - pressing the eject button when the draw is open, closes it
    CD Ripper - auto eject cd should function more reliably
    win98 the convert window cli from cd ripper, or music converter was not closing after rip, plus was shown
    Edit id tag (from right click >> edit tag) no longer locks explorer window whilst editing
    Edit id tag displays common id elements blank if a track has no tags
    Edit id tag - remembers the last postion of the window + if window is large enough (starting from last time only), the elements have extra room to show
    Naming added [length_mmss], [length_hhmmss], [composer] & [conductor]
    Reference: Pro Frequency Conversion enabled by default
    All programs: if running in debug mode, the debugging infomation will show even if program crashes
    Music Converter: No longer creates ARTIST id tags for naming if one does not exist (TITLE is created from filename if does not exist)
    Audio Properties page: visually more smarter
    Wave decoder - if a wave file is PCM then does not use the fact chunk (could be wrong)

    bug fix: CD Ripper - if using the abort after 1 unrecoverable then is marking the track as secure i, not insecure
    bug fix: Windows 98 + ME: have weak bitmap drawing routines, even Internet explorer 5 can crash when drawing, R12 uses advanced drawing techniques and Windows 98 is just falling over, for Windows 98 + ME we replace the graphical buttons with standard buttons. Also applies to the % complete bar
    bug fix: Windows 98 + ME: core converter would wait around (at 99%) after a conversion (when source was pipe, ie from CD Ripper)
    bug fix: if wave encoder supplied last buffer as NULL and using frequency / acm converter then last block might not be flushed
    bug fix: CD Ripper - selecting a profile with the same encoder as last profile was not loading the settings for new profile encoder
    Last edited by Spoon; August 24, 2007, 02:52 PM.
  • bhoar
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Sep 2006
    • 1173

    Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

    Originally posted by Spoon
    CD Ripper - if the option to disable autoplay is enabled, then every second the status of the cd drive is polled, to autorefresh when cd is inserted, auto press eject button when cd draw is open, also stops windows autoplaying the cd when closing cd ripper
    Can you elaborate on this a bit? Perhaps the punctuation is confusing me...



    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

      Try ejecting the cd draw and look at the eject button (in cd ripper).


      • bhoar
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Sep 2006
        • 1173

        Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

        Originally posted by Spoon
        Try ejecting the cd draw and look at the eject button (in cd ripper).
        Right, the difference after changing the setting is that the button appears to be depressed after eject. But I am still having trouble understanding ramifications of the full sentence. Hopefully, I'm not being an idiot...



        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

          Let me take a swing at it:
          Originally posted by Spoon
          CD Ripper - if the option to disable autoplay is enabled, then every second the status of the cd drive is polled, to autorefresh when cd is inserted,
          Basically, the CD drive is polled every second to see if there is a CD in the drive.
          Originally posted by Spoon
          auto press eject button when cd draw is open, also stops windows autoplaying the cd when closing cd ripper
          It sounds like if you launch the CD ripper when the CD tray is open, it sends the command to close the CD drive. Also, it disables the Windows auto-play.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

            In previous versions, if you disabled the auto-play it would be disabled hilst cd ripper was running, but if cd ripper was closed then windows would auorun the last cd, not what you want if it has some copy protecttion waiting to install.


            • Tigerman
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Mar 2005
              • 157

              Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

              Still a few problems with the 'Right click Edit ID Tag':
              • The Windows explorer is not blocked anymore, but the program is not immediately shown in the task bar. It's shown after clicking on another window and then on the ID-tag window.
              • No default tags are shown if file has no tags at all

              Edit: Running XP Pro Sp2 and updates
              Last edited by Tigerman; July 10, 2007, 08:55 PM.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

                >The Windows explorer is not blocked anymore, but the program is not immediately shown in the task bar.

                That is actually a long standing bug in Windows, depending the timing how the window is shown, quite often for me device manager never appears on the task bar...or internet explorer, or Windows Mail...

                >No default tags are shown if file has no tags at all



                • charger93012

                  • Jul 2007
                  • 3

                  Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

                  Upgraded from 12.2.
                  New feature problem:
                  'CD Ripper - when create a new profile offers to use the current one as template':
                  This worked and created a new profile but if I change either the new one or the old one both profiles have the same settings. MuiltiEncoder option is used on the source profile.

                  Non-Bug question: When creating Profiles and using Multi-encoder, where is the profile and data stored? Is it in a file format that can be manually edited?
                  Sometimes it would be quicker to do search and replace then doing custom directories. Current I have to go and change each and every encoder option for naming when I want to do this. It take too long. It would also be informative to see the 'commands' being called to the encoders. This would assist in being able to use the CLI to do some customer stuff.

                  Request- Can you also add profiles to the batch converter?




                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

                    By the "same settings" do you mean the same settings for multi-encoder?

                    Settings for codecs and profiles is stored in the registry. As for commands being called to the encoders, only codecs with external .exe's can you see the exact command-line passed to them. Codecs like FLAC and mp3 use internal dll's for encoding purposes.


                    • charger93012

                      • Jul 2007
                      • 3

                      Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

                      Yep. Same encoder list and same options.
                      You change set-up on an encoder and it changes in both.
                      You add / remove an encoder and it add/ removes it from both.



                      • LtData
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • May 2004
                        • 8288

                        Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

                        I think that has more to do with how Multi-Encoder works and is different from normal codecs than the profiles not working.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44825

                          Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

                          It is a confirmed ug, if the encoder is the same between profiles the settings are not loading, next beta will fix.


                          • Tigerman
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Mar 2005
                            • 157

                            Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

                            That is actually a long standing bug in Windows, depending the timing how the window is shown, quite often for me device manager never appears on the task bar...or internet explorer, or Windows Mail...
                            Could be a bug in Windows, but Edit ID tag is the only program who has this strange behavior on my computer.
                            It's every time the same: after right-click Edit ID tag the task is shown after clicking another window and then the Edit ID tag window again.
                            It's very annoying because I use more than 1 edit Id-tag windows (for comparison purposes) so I have to close all other windows to see them both.


                            • LtData
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • May 2004
                              • 8288

                              Re: dBpoweramp Music Converter R12.3

                              It's very annoying because I use more than 1 edit Id-tag windows (for comparison purposes) so I have to close all other windows to see them both.
                              Alt-Tab to the other Window? I know this isn't the solution you are looking for, but it should help.

