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[codec] m4a FDK AAC Encoder

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44842

    [codec] m4a FDK AAC Encoder

    We will be phasing out the Nero encoder and replacing with this newer FDK version.

    Includes also a m4b encoder.

    <now released>

    Encoder.exe"]dBpoweramp-Codec-m4a FDK (AAC) Encoder[/URL]

    This install contains both 64 bit install (for dBpoweramp R15 beta 64 bit) and 32 bit install. By default the install will match your dBpoweramp (32 bit or 64 bit).
    Last edited by Spoon; February 01, 2014, 12:39 PM.
  • zoan06

    • Feb 2013
    • 5

    Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

    Installed but unable to get it to work. Tried to convert a FLAC file and it does nothing.

    I still have the Nero encoder installed. Do I need to remove it?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44842

      Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

      It is independent of the Nero encoder.

      When you say does nothing, you mean it converts and finishes, but there are no output files? no errors?


      • zoan06

        • Feb 2013
        • 5

        Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

        No, it doesn't convert anything. The time elapsed keeps going up but the files will not convert at all. I eventually have to use task manager to get it stop, as clicking cancel doesn't work.

        I will uninstall and reinstall to see if I possibly did the install wrong.

        EDIT: Found the problem! My antivirus was blocking it as a "questionable" program. I took off the blocker and it works fine now.
        Last edited by zoan06; June 16, 2013, 08:24 PM.


        • vozer

          • Jun 2013
          • 1

          Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

          Hi admin.

          This fdk-acc encoder doesn't have any custom option such as he-aac mode, cut-off frequency or vbr mode. When i check the spectrum of output file created by this encoder i see although encoding at 192kbps but the frequency is cut off at 16 khz.

          I hope you will add an option for cut-off frequency and vbr mode. Thanks.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44842

            Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

            HE and HE v2 engage automatically under set bitrates (96 and 48 respectively)

            The VBR mode for this codec is only for very low bitrates (less than 64 kbps from memory, adding a VBR option would confuse in our opinion).


            • Christian_S

              • Oct 2008
              • 21

              Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

              Originally posted by Spoon
              The VBR mode for this codec is only for very low bitrates (less than 64 kbps from memory, adding a VBR option would confuse in our opinion).
              Are you sure about the low bitrates. This response in hydrogenaudio suggests something different. I can't judge either statement.


              • deluge

                • Jul 2013
                • 1

                Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

                It seems that FDK AAC Encoder never goes above 17kHz even if the bitrate is set to 512kbps.

                Is there any way to fix this serious issue?


                • pmredulla

                  • Aug 2013
                  • 3

                  Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

                  Why do you need to phase out the Nero AAC encoder? It is somewhat more "flexible" compared to the fhgaac encoder, in my opinion.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44842

                    Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

                    We will still offer it, but I have the feeling that Nero will discontinue it over time and we are not allowed to host their component.


                    • JonnyOne

                      • Sep 2013
                      • 7

                      Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

                      Very interesting release! A lot of thanks for this :smile2:
                      I LOVE dbpoweramp stuff, and in the past my Alpine car radio cant play aac from nero, now with FDK all is ok. 200 kbps with this is better than lame slow vbr v -0 extreme (around 260 kbps)


                      • MikeCerm

                        • Feb 2005
                        • 37

                        Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

                        Bitrates below 64kbps fail with this error: Error converting to m4a FDK (AAC), 'C:\Users\Mike\Documents\Podcast_355.mp3' to 'C:\Users\Mike\Documents\Podcast_355.m4a'
                        Could not write to the worker process: file access error [clEncoderExternal::EncodeBlock]

                        Given the limitations of this encoder -- no VBR, no mono, no control over HE/HEv2 -- it seems completely useless to me. Also, I've searched the web for analysis of the audio quality, but found basically no mention of it anywhere. The 17-KHz limit ruins it for high bitrates, and the failed-conversion errors means I can't even test low bitrates (for podcasts and stuff).


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44842

                          Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

                          What were the source attributes of the mp3?


                          • JonnyOne

                            • Sep 2013
                            • 7

                            Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

                            Hello. I have maked a new fdkaac.exe using this:

                            I have replaced the new exe in folder "C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a FDK (AAC)". In the encoded m4a files, i see in tag "fdkaac 0.3.0, libfdk-aac 3.3.3". Anyone knows what are the changes in this new version?
                            P.s.: sorry for my bad english... :p


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44842

                              Re: m4a FDK AAC Encoder

                              >New option --moov-before-mdat was added at 0.3.0

                              This addition would not be used by dBpoweramp as we actually internally already move the moov before mdat...

