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Mp3 Patent Problems

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44888

    Mp3 Patent Problems

    It had to happen some time, it has happened now - the patent holders for mp3 have contacted me demanding huge sums of money. To counter this:

    dBpowerAMP Music Converter R11 will be pulled out from beta early (next 8 weeks), it will be combined with Aux Input and File Selector (these should not add much to the install size, maybe 700KB), it will have the mp3 encoder functioning off the Power Pack (extended trial to 60 days), that is after 60 days if not registered (new price will be $9) the mp3 encoder will stop working. Almost all money collected will go to the patent holders.

    Sveta Portable Audio will move onto its own registration (away from the power pack), obviously previous Power Pack owners will get Sveta.

    Not too happy about this one, but having 'multi-billion dollar' companies on the war is not too plesant.
  • Razgo
    • Apr 2002
    • 2532

    Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

    so the bottom line is? there can be no mp3 encoder unless you pay the royalties? and you are saying you have recieved a bill and have started paying who is the almost all money recieved going to?
    Last edited by Spoons; July 23, 2004, 12:12 PM.


    • Razgo
      • Apr 2002
      • 2532

      Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

      ok i see more info here


      • petriburg
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Apr 2002
        • 172

        Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

        I think it's pretty mean (my polite language for posting in this forum) for Fraunhofer to make royalties retrospective. In terms of the new fees payable to users of dBpoweramp, does the $9 charge apply only to new users of powerpack, or would you like contributions from all dBpoweramp users?
        Either way, as a highly satisfied user of your programs, and a registered user of powerpack, I would still be happy to make a contribution if you require it.
        After all, you've made a whole raft of excellent software available to all your users free of charge. Please let us know.


        • ChristinaS
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2004
          • 4097

          Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

          Originally posted by petriburg
          I think it's pretty mean (my polite language for posting in this forum) for Fraunhofer to make royalties retrospective. In terms of the new fees payable to users of dBpoweramp, does the $9 charge apply only to new users of powerpack, or would you like contributions from all dBpoweramp users?
          Either way, as a highly satisfied user of your programs, and a registered user of powerpack, I would still be happy to make a contribution if you require it.
          After all, you've made a whole raft of excellent software available to all your users free of charge. Please let us know.
          And I second both the opinion and the intent.

          I am wondering at which moment in time does something as widespread as mp3 become part of the public domain.

          Do manufacturers of computers or software pay royalties to whomever invented the ASCII code? :confused:


          • totalXSive
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Apr 2002
            • 222

            Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

            Sorry to hear that Spoon.

            So, as I understand it:

            dMC now includes file selector and aux input but can't encode MP3s. To encode MP3s you need to get the Power Pack, which is now a 60-day trial, and costs $9 to register, right?

            You could include ogg encoding/decoding as standard and then a rant in the help file as to why MP3 encoding is no longer there and why non-patented formats are better, just to annoy FhG

            In any case, $9 sounds very reasonable.


            • Wayne
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Aug 2002
              • 1254

              Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

              Such bad news.

              I agree $9 is a reasonable amount. However I could see that this results in less people either using dMC or upgrading to the licenced version.

              How does this effect Lame and will the developers of CDex/EAC also be impacted?



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44888

                Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

                The Power Pack will be auto-included as well - this will have the mp3 encoder on trial, basically any such audio program without an mp3 encoder is not going to last long.

                The affects Lame, CDEx and EAC - if the patent holders go after them.


                • Razgo
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 2532

                  Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

                  well one would think you would raise the price to cover royalty costs so you can include the mp3 codec for those that want to pay the extra dollar.

                  as they are not stopping you from using it if you pay royalties? whether it's right or wrong is a seperate issue. the bottom line is do you want to have mp3 codec in your software? if yes then pass that cost on to the consumer that wants to use that codec in your software. can't be done that way?


                  • donny
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Oct 2002
                    • 761

                    Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

                    sounds resonable, there are pelnty free codecs... if someone wants to use mp3 then let him pay... I used mp3 lately just cause some games support it, or something similar... just because it is so wide spread doesn't mean it is unreplacable, esepcially now.. this will give ogg a new push, and probably the losseless codecs also...


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44888

                      Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

                      The economics are:

                      $2.5 per mp3 encoder with a yearly minimum of $15,000

                      I have lowered the price because: a) I have removed Sveta and b) not to penalize those who want mp3.


                      • Razgo
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 2532

                        Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

                        ok if there is a minimum then that's a problem if you don't sell over 500 liscences per month. if thats not attainable at the moment then it's understandable to just remove it.

                        on the upside you may sell triple the amount with the current price drop. and if enough get's sold over time you may be able to put the mp3codec back in.


                        • Joseph
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Oct 2002
                          • 211

                          Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

                          Originally posted by Wayne
                          Such bad news.
                          How does this effect Lame and will the developers of CDex/EAC also be impacted?
                          EAC will be fine, they make it a point that if you want to be able to compress audio files in the MP3 format, you have to go out and get LAME or another encoder on your own.


                          • dig412

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 48

                            Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

                            I think Fraunhofer have finally twigged that they could get billions from fiddiling about with mp3 patents. I wouldnt mind if they only applied this to programs using their codec (neroMIX etc.), but to go after a predominently freeware program is a bit stingey.


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44888

                              Re: Mp3 Patent Problems

                              Fraunhofer sold its patents to Tompson, they are wanting to collect for their investment.

