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  • ddjksa
    started a topic FLAC Problem

    FLAC Problem


    Just demoing the 30 day version of Asset UPnP and have to say I'm quite impressed. My set up is using Hi-Fi Cast on my Android phone to stream music from my Asset server on my PC to a Bose SoundTouch ST20 wireless speaker. Works flawlessly most of the time (Hi-Fi Cast being the only...
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    Last edited by ddjksa; August 23, 2018, 11:25 AM. Reason: typo

  • jfkaess
    started a topic Best DSP pricessing order

    Best DSP pricessing order

    For many many years i have ripped my CDs (over a thousand) to Apple Lossless (ALAC) and i use volume normalize ebu r128 during the ripping. I realize this is "destructive" but it enables me to listen to my music in shuffle mode which is what i do 95% of the time, so for me, it accomplishes...
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  • DSP Resample - Need min and max options (like Channel Count)

    My library is composed essentially of many FLAC files at 44khz/16bits. But some flac files are 192khz/24bits. But my car player accept 48khz at max.
    For the moment, if I add DSP Resample with the setting 48khz, all my flac are converted to 48khz.
    But it would be useful to convert only those...
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  • jagged_fish
    started a topic To DSP or not to DSP... that is the question

    To DSP or not to DSP... that is the question

    I have a mixture of around 70 stereo interleaved and mono 24 bit 48KHz wav files. If I want to resample to 44.1KHz/16 bit, is it better to specify the bit rate and sample size in the Music Convertor dropdown menus, or leave them set 'as source' and use the Bit Depth and Resample DSP effects?
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